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Everything posted by Sard

  1. TSN pays the league $40-million per season for the TV rights, which equates to about $4.4-million per team per year.
  2. That was the Hillarious House of Frightenstein wasn't it?
  3. Duke Williams pushed off all the time last year. Haven't watched enough Edmonton games this year to see if he's still doing it though. No question he's a receiver with good hands, but I felt his value was inflated a bit last year because he was able to get away with the push offs.
  4. If we were betting in a pool for this, I'd say 4 plays.
  5. It's not about criminal offences, it's about violence against women. The league has taken a big stand on that, so they take any situation related to that very seriously.
  6. For those of you using your PVR, remember that the game is on TSN3
  7. Can somebody tell me why there isn't an illegal participation penalty on Toronto when Dressler made the catch near the sideline at around 30:09 in the above posted video? The guy clearly stepped on the line, so why is he allowed to make that tackle?
  8. They've had the wire cam at a few games this year so far... I want to say in Hamilton and Toronto. I think it's coming to the rest of the league, likely costs making it take a long time. I think a drone is a bad idea because of the possibility of a dead battery in the middle of a play.
  9. Pretty sure it was Dickenson in Calgary who was abusing the Illegal Contact challenges. Had a receiver away from the play run over a defender on every play so that he had it in his back pocket if a pass went incomplete.
  10. Always use TSN3, that's the Winnipeg feed. BellMTS has it on 1022, but not sure what other providers use.
  11. Nobody has had 2 bye weeks yet, but BC will get their 2nd this week before Winnipeg gets their 1st next week. New this year is 3 bye weeks per team, so 2 weeks ago, 3 teams were off and that'll happen again in weeks 9 and 14.
  12. It wasn't blocked (contrary to what the announcer saw). Massoli hit it off of the outside of his foot rather than square on it, or towards the inside which would have sent it down field (possibly into a block).
  13. Could be, I just heard an interview with O'Shea yesterday and he said a couple games, but that may have been before putting him on the 6 game. And we all know how forthcoming O'Shea is when it comes to injuries.
  14. Yeah, Gauthier was injured and is out for a couple of weeks.
  15. Pause the above video at 6:44... he's clearly standing on the line.
  16. The one thing that always bugged me about that last one was that it looked like the Toronto player who kept the initial kick in play and subsequently kicked it out of the end zone appears to have stepped out of bounds (both feet on the white end line), and should have been flagged for illegal participation. Based on that alone, Montreal should have won the game because the ball would have been dead in the end zone as soon as he picked it up to make the kick.
  17. It would have given the defense some much needed rest, and maybe allowed the offence to find some momentum in the 2nd half (with the wind). Not saying it would have made a difference, but it could have.
  18. There were at least 2 drops by Dressler in that stretch that would have converted on 2nd down. The first one was a tougher catch, but the second one he had it in his hands, down on his knees and it just popped out. He squeezes even one of those 2 catches and it's a different ball game. I know that any given play can go any number of ways to affect the outcome of the game, and there are no guarantees, but those 2 plays struck me as somewhat critical at the time.
  19. I see it as an opportunity to weed out the weaker players early, which would in theory raise the level of players in Training Camp. Very odd decision, so there must be more to it than they are reporting.
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