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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. you can like him, nothing wrong with that. But doesnt change that he just isnt good as a broadcaster.
  2. Probably will be. Im taking bobs word on the rumor around gurley. Its beyond tough to pry any actual facts from our coaching staff before the game, if any one in the medias word is worth listening to its knuckles. Which is what makes an interesting/mess of a situation. If mcduffie cant go (I really hope he can) and if gurley isnt dressing then what? I actually wouldnt mind seeing fog used more as the extra DB and have him do both return duties. Hes a big play guy, but hes probably our worst cover guy.
  3. yeah hope so. Idk what he hurt but it seems to be nagging. And yeah heath has been rather un effective as a returner.
  4. It wasnt because hes a rb, its because he isnt KR. He will be on the roster because our back up RB, lochard is injured. And since harris is banged up we need a viable back up. Do you think jerome messam is a returner too? Hes a higher quality rb then flanders... The only reason he would be returning is we have to get use out of that DI spot, fogg suffers at DB while doing both duties, mcduffie is injured, harris is banged up, and lochard is out. Heath is faster, and returned some in college. And look what hes done. Flanders didnt even return in college. But then these sources said gurley would be on the roster, which is now contradicted.
  5. I would think that would mean mcduffie draws in, but they said that we will be using flanders on KO returns. Its gonna be interesting.
  6. jon ryan was the only time i have ever seen fans gets excited to watch a guy punt. Course he started running some fakes and showed off a little of that former WR speed and that didnt hurt either. I wonder who the better draft pick will end up being. Ryan or Loffler.
  7. No he isnt, which is why its incredibly impressive that they are putting him in. You arent changing the offense and plays around one new guy like that though. no, just no.
  8. Offenses arent by any means that simple. A wr runs the wrong route on a timing pass and the qb throws a pick 6. Breaks the wrong way, runs the route too deep or not deep enough etc. Offensive plays are designed to create openings, and set up other variations of the same play. You dont just have one wr run deep every play, a side from the fact they'd burn out in no time flat. Have you seen the size of a modern football play book on offense?
  9. It is beyond un real if gurley steps in on this level of notice and does any thing. It says a TON about him that they would stick him right into the line up.
  10. Look at the systems milt played in. Look at the number of OCs dressler has ran through too. Elite wrs step up and dressler has done it time and again. Including this year in what is still a poorly run offense. Denmark has been a flash and vanish guy.
  11. every wr drops passes. We list our starters as 2 backs 4 wr. That with 1 ni fb, which is a set we use sparingly. JFG is on the field a ton, not to mention we dont carry much depth at wr and have been to the point where we have no back up twice this year. Hes played 8 games this year with no catch. Neither of these guys are lighting the world on fire, but kohlert is proven and consistent.
  12. The rep difference hasnt been limited by any stretch of the imagination. Hes played and been invisible for many long periods of time. For what ever reason nichols and willy didnt seem to find them well in this system. Kohlert has been a steady productive canadian wr for a long time.
  13. Im leery of media reports like this mos keeps his cards close to his chest thats all. I also really hope we actually make use of the backs and dont just bloat a position to have 5 touches in the first half.
  14. been a long time since weve had a guy who has such an amazing ability to come down with tough catches in tight coverage. Cant wait to see him in blue and gold.
  15. wbbfan


    Yeah its awful sad. Ive never watched tuf but a young bright guy passing and succombing to his demons is a damn shame. ufc manilla allegedly cancelled after bj penns pull out.
  16. Isnt that 1 too many DI for 7 ni starters? Iirc dont we get the 4th if we start an 8th ni? Other wise id say thats pretty much it. Knox imop would be the extra DI to come off. Of course gurley would go in for mayo, and smith for mcduffie. Assuming mcduffie is still hurt. If he or adams gets healthy Id put smith on the 2man or ir and give the other two a chance and shake up smith a bit.
  17. fogg cant return full time, and heath is a none factor. Mcduffie should and almost certainly will be on the roster as a DI to rotate/provide depth at wr and return. injury history and salary dont change talent level. Dressler is far better and far more consistent. Dressler in a down year is a career best year for denmark. Denmark stays healthy, but has huge gaps of several games where he flat out disappears. Dressler has been really good, even when our OL offense and willy were struggling some thing awful.
  18. weve made some confounding roster decisions, by play and production it should handily be smith on the outs. Yeah. Mayo has shown some real nice flashes. Weve run packages for smith and he still hasnt found an niche here.
  19. a great, great pick up. Cant wait to see what he does in blue! I wonder how our WR core will stack up at 100% healthy with considerations for the ratio though. kohlert, dressler, denmark, gurley, and smith for now. Smith really hasnt lived up to the contract or his previous level of play. Im sure we will bring back mcduffie to split return duty with fogg. Either way Id say this is our best WR core since atleast bruce +stegall.
  20. yeah exactly. weve also been spoiled with some amazing sportscasters too.
  21. not a fan of buck or tabby at all. That said i hate watching my teams play when announced by none home broadcasters.
  22. Broken player on a broken team its a bad combo. With that Ol, lack of run game, and now lack of proven wrs its not gonna be pretty for willy.
  23. spent a lot of time there too, never heard of it either. At this rate the rest of the league should kick in and form a fund to pay pederson to never ever publish any thing ever again. D has been consistent, it just hasnt been very good. How many picks called back by penalties and how many db drops in that time? Nichols if any thing is consistent. Low production first half, good 2nd half, at his best late in the game. Gets breaks, but makes the most of his breaks. Our team has averaged 35.3 points, not our offense. 50+ yard fgs, and drives starting in side fg range ending in fgs is not our offense scoring. Its special teams/turn overs.
  24. wbbfan


    and broken J penn has pulled out due to injury. Ufc looking for a replacemat.
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