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Posts posted by Taynted_Fayth


    I have no issue with him being cut if he wasn't going to beat out the 4 we kept, but if they kinda already knew that and clearly not giving him the chance to beat out anyone illustrates that then why not get your scouts to find someone with a chance to possibly be better than at the very least Portis. People say they are in favor of putting the best possible team out there, yet seems they were pretty dead set with their QBs,  in which case bring in 4 and bring in another player for an area of need. Its not like the very few reps Yantz did get would have blown a tire on any of the 4 QBs taking these limited and valuable reps

    Soooo.. Now your changing your argument from "why not give Yantz a better chance!" To "our scouts suck because we gave Yantz a chance!"

    Debate over.

    The simple answer is that we had 5 QBs that we wanted. Why would we get rid of the spare QB/extra arm in camp to bring in some other unknown? I'm assuming Portis is essentially Marves backup IF our offense flounders hard and IF it's deemed the pocket passer concept is not going to work.. He also knows his role and is familiar with CFL.


    im not changing my argument, i think telling the guy he'll be given an opportunity to compete then giving him next to no reps at practice or in the preseason games is wrong, and what he said in the paper shows he thinks so too. I like Walters and MOS to be sure, but in this case I think they mislead him, and since they should be familiar with him especially being at camp last year, they should have said hes just there as an arm/injury insurance policy. Do you still want to sign, or see if you can get on somewhere else? Sounds like he got the impression, they like his ability, hes gonna get an opportunity to compete,  heres a contract (even if not guaranteed) I'd likely have felt mislead too and that's not good business imo. 


    My alternative with the scouts was in saying if they know Yantz isnt gonna beat out someone/anyone, but they need an arm or whatever,  why not get someone that might just surprise them.  Heaven forbid they bring a new look QB they haven't yet tested and he blows everyone away,  wouldn't that be a good thing? bringing back the same guy you already know he's not going anywhere to me sounds like a waste of everyone's time, and in this case hopes and aspirations. 

  2. I have no issue with him being cut if he wasn't going to beat out the 4 we kept, but if they kinda already knew that and clearly not giving him the chance to beat out anyone illustrates that then why not get your scouts to find someone with a chance to possibly be better than at the very least Portis. People say they are in favor of putting the best possible team out there, yet seems they were pretty dead set with their QBs,  in which case bring in 4 and bring in another player for an area of need. Its not like the very few reps Yantz did get would have blown a tire on any of the 4 QBs taking these limited and valuable reps


    the kicker got waaaay more playing time including a preseason game then Yantz (of course less competition)

    Yeah but do you think he had an honest shot at making the team

    No, but it would be interesting to know what they told santella, was he told he could compete against Hajrullahu who just had a rookie of the year type season? or was it an opportunity to wow us incase he gets hurt, and/or showcase to everyone else across the league incase they need.


     With Yantz,  the sinopoli idea was mentioned immediately and it was immediately responded with no, he is being looked at as a QB. in our organization we ponied up and latched onto Willy who is still a bit of a ? and did miss part of the season last year. Our #2 Brohm hasnt really blown the pants off anyone, our #3 is a work in progress that the coach even recently said needs to fine tune aspects, our #4 on the PR hasnt been able to capitalize, so why not give Yantz a realistic chance to show if hes got anything since you told him you will have a shot to compete. Whats the worst case, he does worse then everyone and he's cut. but did he get that opportunity? he says no, many reports say no, and unless they were having secret practices were unaware of,  im gonna say no he didnt.


    as gbill just mentioned a few posts up,  he attended 7-8 TC practices and Yantz got 1 rep.. 1 rep!  does that sound like he had the opportunity to compete? not a single down in preseason game, not 1! I dont know what went on behind closed doors,  but unless the kid was nailing someones wife,  I just dont know how anyone can say he had his chance and blew it





    Did the international kicker get an interview with the papers when he was cut? I'm confident that the club already had their minds made up on our kicking situation, the poor guy never had a chance.

    The ONLY reason this is a story is because Yantz is Canadian, and it could have been a feel good story if he made the team.

    Sorry, I don't care if our QB is Canadian, American, Mexican or Greek, I just want the best. As the 5th string QB coming into camp, he needed to steal reps away from the others and force the coaches to keep him, which he couldn't do. Best of luck to ya!

    It's a story because it sounds like Walters made promises that weren't kept.

    No.. It sounds like Yantz is pissed off that he got cut. I don't see anywhere that Walters mislead or lied to the kid. He got his chance to prove himself. He didn't do enough to make it a tough call at end of the day., Yantz is just extending his 15 mins of fame AND looking a little pretentious trying to imply wrong doing by the bombers when it was simply a case of him getting his chances and falling short..

    I didnt get the feeling reading the TC reports that Yantz had much of any opportunity to prove himself, practices with no reps, 1 rep...no preseason game, sounds like he was just a spectator not actually in it to make any tough decisions for anyone

    How many reps did he get in rookie camp, mini camp, etc? He clearly didn't wow enough to warrant the extra reps in the other camps..

    It's not like TC was our evaluation staffs first time seeing him in action..


    seems common practice to bring all your QBs to rookie camp so im gonna guess the same? = not many


    I know its not their first time looking at him so why bring him in then if you know he aint going to unseat even our #4.  if Willy got tired you play brohm more or Marve more as the filler, im sure they above portis and yantz need that as they'll be first called upon.  If he was brought in strictly as an injury insurance policy, you tell him as much you dont sign him to a 3 year contract and tell him he will be given an opportunity to compete when clearly he didn't



    Did the international kicker get an interview with the papers when he was cut? I'm confident that the club already had their minds made up on our kicking situation, the poor guy never had a chance.

    The ONLY reason this is a story is because Yantz is Canadian, and it could have been a feel good story if he made the team.

    Sorry, I don't care if our QB is Canadian, American, Mexican or Greek, I just want the best. As the 5th string QB coming into camp, he needed to steal reps away from the others and force the coaches to keep him, which he couldn't do. Best of luck to ya!

    It's a story because it sounds like Walters made promises that weren't kept.

    No.. It sounds like Yantz is pissed off that he got cut. I don't see anywhere that Walters mislead or lied to the kid. He got his chance to prove himself. He didn't do enough to make it a tough call at end of the day., Yantz is just extending his 15 mins of fame AND looking a little pretentious trying to imply wrong doing by the bombers when it was simply a case of him getting his chances and falling short..


    I didnt get the feeling reading the TC reports that Yantz had much of any opportunity to prove himself, practices with no reps, 1 rep...no preseason game, sounds like he was just a spectator not actually in it to make any tough decisions for anyone


    i dont think i would be the most gracious of people either if i was dicked around in a job interview


    but 3 years of tape,  brought him in last years TC, then to mini camp this year where hes told he outplayed the american qbs brought in then brought to this years TC, but is given no opportunity to compete and then written off? again why bring him in at all? OR if hes just there for injury insurance why not make that perfectly clear?


    He didn't go to mini camp (he was still draft-eligible at that point). Based on following him in the CIS, Walters and team determined after he went undrafted that Yantz was better than the QBs they *did* have at mini camp, and signed him.


    As for "getting a fair shot", that's totally up for interpretation. Yantz obviously feels that he didn't, but not getting reps in the last week of practices could very well be because of what others have said above -- maybe in the drills he was way behind, or maybe he was taking too long with the playbook.


    I had hoped the team was viewing him as a project (just like Reaves), knowing they had no shot this year, but wanting to get them involved now with the hope of it paying off in a year or 2. Obviously they felt it wasn't worth the roster spot, and that the TC and preseason reps were more important to give to the guys who they felt would make the team and need to be fully evaluated.


    To many Canadian QBs who never get to a CFL training camp, Yantz got more than a fair shot! He just didn't do enough in his limited time to warrant more of a look.


    I do hope the rules are changed so we can see every CFL team carrying a Canadian QB on the roster some day, and they're given the time to gain experience to match their certain raw talent. But until that happens, they're starting so far behind the 8 ball, it's just not even fair to them.



    Sorry I reread it,  your correct it doesnt say he was at mini camp,  but walters told him he was better then the americans he did invite down in florida, and that to me at least - since he's a canadian -  make me curious to see how this kid could do with pro level talent. I just think to say he's not good enough yet kid only got a throw or 2 (if not handing off the ball) a practice is really pre mature or confusing as to what made portis any better? honestly reading the TC reports again no one was impressed by him (Portis). The article does say Yantz was invited to the 2014 bombers camp,  and 2013 BC Lions camp, kid obviously has some skill,  lets see it

  7. I think for some him being a NI and former bison plays a part in interest to the story, for me personally,  I've heard a lot of praise for the kids ability, and when you hear walters himself say he played better then the american qbs invited to florida it leaves me wondering why Portis (who i havent heard much praise for) gets more consideration.  If Portis or anyone for that matter was better then him,  then so be it,  I dont think Yantz himself would have an issue being beat out fair and square,  but from the sounds of it Yantz never got any opportunity, TC or Pregames to compete despite being told he would.

  8. i dont think i would be the most gracious of people either if i was dicked around in a job interview


    but 3 years of tape,  brought him in last years TC, then to mini camp this year where hes told he outplayed the american qbs brought in then brought to this years TC, but is given no opportunity to compete and then written off? again why bring him in at all? OR if hes just there for injury insurance why not make that perfectly clear?

  9. I dont believe Yantz had a shot at knocking Brohm or Marve out as #2 or #3, but had he been given a chance on a strictly talent level (again heard a lot of good things about him despite his passport) he might have been able to beat portis out as #4 and get the PR spot, but by all accounts both from him and people who attended TC, Yantz wasnt even given a chance to do that so why even bother signing him with the invite

  10. The # of reps he was getting was only one part of camp.  Who knows how well (or poorly) he was doing in the drills or if he was having a tougher time than the others with the playbook.  All 4 of the other QB's were familiar with the offense from last year, maybe Yantz just couldn't catch up. 


    The bottom line is that he came in as the 5th QB and left as the 5th QB.  He didn't do enough, from the coaches point of view, to earn more reps so he got what he got.  Those few extra reps went to Portis & Marve in the battle for the 3rd string spot... much more valuable (IMO) than giving them to a guy on the outside looking in.

    maybe a situation of agree to disagree,  Marve should have been competing with Brohm for #2, and portis vs Yantz, who ever didnt win the #2 then compete against the winner of Portis vs Yantz for #3. loser of that get PR.


     With willy the undisputed #1,  Preseason game 1 goes 1st quarter: Brohm (or marve)  2nd quarter: Marve (or Brohm) 3rd quarter: Portis (or Yantz) 4th quarter: Yantz (or Portis).


      preseason game 2 1st half: Willy  3rd quarter: #2  4th: quarter #3


    at least your giving ALL the QBs you invited to camp a shot,  only guys who dont get 2 quarters of play is your #4 and #5 but they at least get a quarter to show what they got

  11. clearly more the 0-3 throws a practice, which isnt absurd when your told you'd have a legitimate shot.  here's yants actual quote;


    "Personally, from what (Blue Bomber GM) Kyle Walters said from the beginning is that I did have a legitimate shot," Yantz said. "Going through camp, I wasn't really involved. I was getting between one to three reps the entire practice - sometimes none. I was in the dark. I never knew what was going on. It kind of makes me think that the whole time i was there, it didn't really matter what I did. It goes back to me not getting any experience if I'm not in a position to gain it. I wasn't involved in any preseason games, so how could I gain any experience?"


    Walters goes onto say it sucks he feels this way but end of the day he just wasnt good enough, 0-3 throws a practice is pretty small sample size imo

  12. the article has Yantz saying thats what he was told after Walters told him he was better then all the american QB's they invited to the Florida mini camp and he would get a fair opportunity to compete in training camp. The impression i got from the TC reports was he was getting 1 or 2 reps, sometimes none at all during practices and clearly he felt "left in the dark" and it didnt matter what he did, he felt it was evident they knew what they were gonna do with him.


    I understand the business side of it and it may (or may not) have ben the right call,  but how can you not get the kid more reps somewhere in those 2 a days. If they had told him from the get go your only coming here incase someone gets hurt,  you think he'd have any issue?

  13. draft picks are different tho, he was undrafted and even attended last years TC.  I could see him being a non counter last year having still cis eligibility while attending the UofM but I wanna think this year hed be no different then just bringing in a NI player from regina (if thats where he lives when not in school?)


    I could be wrong, as i too dont know what qualifies someone to be a non counter other then maybe territorial exemption and draft picks

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