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Posts posted by Taynted_Fayth


    Ive only been to the lid 1x and they shot a porno there ppl caught in on the dance floor had to sign waivers. interesting way to make a first impression

    This is untrue. Would not be allowed to do so. The only

    Time waivers were required was when filming a promo (not porno lol) for a tourism show airing in the US.


    absolutely true, they had scenes shooting behind closed .... ill call them cubical walls with bed set up, at first i was out having a smoke and limos were pulling up wondering what was going on and a bouncer said what was up, i was approached while on the dance floor if i would or wouldnt not like to be part of the back ground leading up to the scenes shot in private by the shooter bar. i chose not to cuz i wasnt the star  :P  :P  but seriously that happened - the form i called waiver was just consent to being shown, might be using wrong name. alas i think the chicks name was oceana or something like that.


    i too thought there was no way they could do this in public but it is what it is. this was bar down in ft. richmond pretty close to where IGF is now

  2. this team right now that the jays are, in all aspects is something amazing. they have swept.... SWEPT 3 straight series and its not against garbage teams either,  the twins and the yankees were both ahead of the jays and they surpassed them both.  I honestly cant say if they are better then either of their championship teams but i can honestly say they are best team fielded in 20+ years. Leafs, raptors, argos....  cant blame the media for being excited, and whatever happens this year (playoffs or not) this teams worth writing about right now.

  3. The raptors last few years have created more buzz with the likes of DeRozan and Lowry (much more competitive team all around then in years past even with the likes of Chris Bosh or Vince Carter) , but Im not convinced they have anywhere close to the fanfare the jays have coast to coast. IF the raptors ever win a title or 2 like the jays (especially back to back) then Id say raptor fans grow in numbers substantially.  I think you underestimate how infectious the jays 92' and 93' world series wins were, hell McDonalds even caught the fever - still pissed i never did get a autographed Alomar card with my meal lol - and when mcdonalds wants to sell you,  you know you got a insanely hot item/product they are gonna cash in on.

  4. the jays are a different entity altogether from the Raptors.  I was a pretty big fan of the Atlanta Braves back when they were a NL powerhouse and as a kid had the hats, jerseys...ect but my Grandma was always a jays fan and watching the back to back World series turned me into a fan, and i'd imagine a great deal of people across the country,  that was 22-23 years ago,  many became disenchanted with a losing product but would easily jump back on when they succeed.  In the last few years they have added some exciting elements (mainly bautista as his HR runs) and have had hot starts but faded come all star break.  this year finally looks like they found that missing equation to keep going and its exciting for long time fans, and the type of ball they are playing is just exciting to watch as a baseball fan period.


    the raptors dont have a sliver of that popularity and even tho they are doing better, like the jays it will take a winner to win people over long term, they are on the right track tho, id be lying if i said i was a basketball fan, but i will watch the raptors when they are doing well and take in the odd march madness game, but I think if i watched the raptors win the championship id be following them more closely.  biggest issue for me is basketball and hockey play parallel and id rather watch hockey.  Baseball plays while the CFL runs but its easy to watch both at any given time

  5. i worked the rum jungle the day it opened as favor to former pharoahs manager who was transfered to tcona canad inns then TYC (ran into him with my dad at the old pre game party at TYC power 97 used to run prior to bomber games and turns out my dad knew him as a bouncer from the palamino club when his baseball team was sponsored by them ... anyways) .


    Ive gone to the george a lot in recent years, still cant figure out why lol.


    I used to love the zoo for things like boozefest and the odd black n blue ball (ex-gf at time dragged me to it originally) but i got into a fight with the zookeepers cuz they wrongfully accused me of getting sick on a table a night i was a DD for one of the bands and wouldnt let me back in despite it being -30 out and the band had yet to play. so i never went back


    i pretty much stuck to live bands everywhere else in the city especially the albert for local, burt for bigger shows.  went to a pork roast concert a bit past altona a few weeks ago with 4-5 bands playing out in a barn, great time until the fireworks guys set some off that went into the crowd, no one was hurt but great way to clear a crowd lol

  6. lol i think your guess who reference (so long bannatyne) dates you a lil too :P but i went to the woodbine the othe day to pick up the bartender, as well as bought beer at the northern which i was witness to several fights in a matter of a few mins. dunno how the bars were back in ur day but i wouldnt drink anywhere on main. i also drank few pitchers of draft at the mount royale when i was 17 (played a show across street at the  aboriginal center) not a pretty place lol

  7. im not overly confident we'll surpass KC but 1st in the AL east good enough. series against NY in a few days even more must watch now because we can really help ourselves putting distance.


    i was just reading Beeston and AA's contracts are up before the World series would be over,  let em walk or extend? for how long?  im thinking AA being 38 has sooo much time and room to keep growing, id easily give him at least a 5 year extention

  8. 10 in a row and half inning away from taking first place, how can u not watch this.  would be first time they were in 1st this late in the year since 1993, last time they won it all. i might need to take a road trip to the big smoke n take in a game

  9. how long is ray hurt for? i can't imagine him wanting to be #2 cuz hes ricky frickin ray, but i cant imagine the argos wanting to move from harris,  maybe we can swing a trade after we play them.  i wonder what it feels like to have qb problems where u cant decide who is #1 cuz 1a and 1b so good

  10. Lucky enuf to see the BJ's win their 2 but I just dont follow MLB. No salary cap just means the same teams get in over n over. Which teams? The ones that spend 200m each year.


    not entirely true, the yankees always spend big and might be a perennial powerhouse, it hasnt translated to world series wins as much as it should - only winning once since juggernaught last 90's and 2000.   teams like st. louis, and san fran however are also constant contenders but i think the jays are modelling more like them, strong drafting,  good depth and this year anyways, aquiring some top talent when it presents itself.  im still amazed they got donaldson in the offseason

  11. i rewatched the hulk with eric bana, what a steaming pile of dook.  if i think back to the old captain america movie and the punisher(s) all 3 of them including dolph lundgren, marvel imp had a baaaad track record of movies until they did the spiderman movies with toby maguire, but sam raimi could be creditted more with that success just like nolan imo was better then burton with batman

  12. i watched the game, imo hamilton just outplayed us....again. they had so many different look blitzes coming at us all game, i dont think MB had a counter, and with injuries to moore, then cotton then darvin, max protection gave us too limited offense to do anything.  I expect the Oline to lick their wounds, light a fire under their collective asses n be better next game

  13. jays made some nice pick ups this offseason, and finally nice deadline aquisitions. for years ive thrown my hands up in the air at AAs joe mack like approach to trade deadline, i think he just saved his job tbh by being active (and getting rid of reyes too lol).  the fact the jays are playing lights out ball right is proof of what they've been failing on year after year.  hot spring, early contention, no all star break moves and they get gased n fall off the map.  not this year *knock on wood*


    I think they still need to find a closer.  is papelbon still on the market? - yuck i feel sick saying that i hated that guy for years with the red socks

  14. Stop the Smoggies, Captain Planet and James Bond jr, were some of my favourites as a kid. They don't make shows like they used too.


    captain planet was epic,  always made me laugh the south american kid monte was given heart as his ring of power, so its like what can u do?  oooh just a flame thrower (fire), earthquake (earth), tsunami (water), tornado (wind)..... and u heart?  ugh.. talk to monkeys?


    giving the eco-villains their own rings to make captain pollution was a nice touch too

  15. not saying its not a serious allegation,  but has he even been charged or just under investigation based on her allegation?  i do see a problem charging someone just on he said/she said basis.  and even if they find his dna, and there are a lot of athletes really messin up these days, theres a far greater number of americans tryin to get paid. puck bunny spends the night with him then realizes she can potentially cash in.   we all got caught up in the cosby scandal

  16. it just seems like the league or the team would be doing it just to do something and save face. as mentioned earlier,  whats to stop other ppl from throwing out false accusations out of spite or a money grab  or just to be asses?  so hes suspended now, what exactly is he suspended from? if hes guilty he'll likely serve time,  does the games he miss kick in once hes out in 2-5 years if so why not suspend him upon parole? if hes found not guilty he then was essentially suspended for nothing, what is the point of enforcing a suspension now when theres not really a point?


    innocent until proven guilty, if anything, the league and team should be backing him with support this is a wild allegation, if it turns out hes guilty then wash their hands of him for being a  polished turd, but imho it would seem a suspension now isnt necessarily the league and team throwing him under the bus but definitely sticking their head in the sand with a meaningless gesture

  17. i had a indepth convo with a few buddies and plenty of beer the other day about before school cartoons vs after school cartoons, and by all accounts morning toons licked the technicoloured nut.  (were all born 82-ish) so what we were subjected to for the most part on weekdays was; morning: rocket robin hood, hercules, astroboy, inspector gadget, smoogies, carebears, spiderman vs  afterschool: ducktales, gooftroop, gargoyles, darkwing duck, mighty ducks, simpsons, tail spin, im forgetting a few as after school programs were a lot more ever-changing.  but all n all as much as i dislike disney, they were pretty midas with their cartoon programs in the 90's.


    its too bad dragonball z that aired at 6am didnt come around till around 99-00'  that would have given the morning line up a much better chance

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