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Posts posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. if convicted lock em up no question, my only issue with the nhl/blackhawks suspending him is why? if he raped her was he wearing nhl or blackhawks scrubs at the time? if he is awaiting verdict now or next while does it cost the team/league any playing time or revenue? will fans forever think the blackhawks or hockey players in general are rapists thru n thru?


     I understand if he's guilty and misses games due to jail sentence,  then punishment for essentially breaching contract and not playing (or outright release him as would likely be the choice to distance yourself as an organization) but suspension in the offseason enforced by his employer or its governing body seems moot.  hes guilty does he miss the 2021 season after 5 years in the can or is he not guilty and suspension lifted fiddle dee dee

  2. Hopefully this movie leads to Terminator B.C. : a machine through time, and have a machine attempt to kill the worlds first human and just outright make humans extinct before they even start. But encounter loyal dinosaur/prehistoric pets they didnt bargin for, since the are specialists at understanding, infiltration and combat vs man, not beast

    lol jk that would suck ass

  3. LOL @ 'being a young healthy white male is the worst thing you can possibly be in canada now' haha how many advantages can one person possibly have?


    all things "equal" that puts you far behind, I would lose out to a visible minority, a woman or a disabled person, no one wants a PR nightmare should I beat out one of those 3 and they decide to feel wronged and vocal about it.


    Im a little unsure what advantages I have other then my health over a disabled person, something I have no control over much like i didn't choose my skin colour, my gender, or have control over other peoples hate crimes and actions. There's groups and organization out there specifically granting free money and education to cater these people as well, not to me tho, even things like EI, EIA, social assistance put in place by the government itself, are stupid hard to be approved for. Am I supposed to automatically be able to attain these things like higher education and employment because my parents were blue collar workers who provided for their family, put me in public school and were not poor but far from well off? Equality my ass. I guess i missed the memo that I really am not allowed to struggle cuz its a short rope being offered as help 


    I am absolutely against the way certain groups of ppl have been treated over the course of time, but it's hard not to feel thrown under the bus for those actions which I had no part of. I heard somewhere white people will soon be the visible minority in canada with our lax immigration laws and current population growth rates among the different races, I believe Filipino and Aboriginals were crushing caucasians in the stats, so fingers crossed my day of equality will come :P

  4. 1.  I don't think we as Bomber fans have any room to talk about the Als.


    Think about this guys, They've been making the playoffs For the last 20 years in a row about, while we on the other hand, have only made them once in the last 6 years.  That's really sucky for me and I sure wish we had some of whatever it is they're doing.  Better not be counting them out yet or we're gonna end up looking like idiots again for saying it.


    I sure hope the Bombers will not be starting out fast only to fade again like we did last year and 2011, but come on, let's get it right this time before we go criticizing other teams.


    2.  The Stampeders and Tiger Cats game is a good one so this week of football is looking good so far.

    yes we can.  the als suck!!!   ;)

  5. I dont think its right, what i was saying is its a reality that it happens, and typically people who are flamboyantly gay are very outspoken and a bit over the top and draw attention,  and depending the environment your in at the time it makes them an easy target for probably insecure ppl trying to impress their peers or make themselves feel better by making someone feel lesser or a hater or someone you rubbed the wrong way cuz of your antics. The point in the conversation though, is the way you act, or even what you wear are things you can have control over, unlike skin colour or disabilities that losers equally discriminate against. I think its just common sense not to draw unwanted attention upon yourself when your in public places. not everyone want to hear it, not everyone is tolerant and will lash out.  this isnt a new reality. 


    I have never once tried to pick up a chick at the bar. I wouldnt be interested in a woman who would meet a complete stranger hammered and go home with them. but thats just me. I've watched buddies try to pick up chicks and get slapped or shot down pretty hard.  im willing to bet a not as extreme version of Jenny Jones would happen far more often then not if a guy went up to a straight guy at the bar and started hittin on him with his friends present, sometimes even without.  Some people have short fuses, some people are not opposed to others being gay but dont want any of that comin their way. add in liquor, and a public stage and it can get pretty bad.


    I know some guys that came out a while ago, and honestly you wouldnt know they were gay unless they told you. I know a few that are i almost want to say stereotypically cartoonish gay, they want to pee in the girls washroom cuz the guys washroom are soo eeewww *hands flapping* <-- that kinda stuff can be put away and i personally think at times it should be if you dont wanna attract some unwanted attention.  I dont go to church and start going so a ****ing priest, a mofo'in rabbi and a donkey are all down in tiajuana... - not a real joke but just saying, it's not like i cant hold back how id be if i was at my buddies knocking back a few for the x amount of time im there. 

  6. lol i must be,  but I also have gay friends and we've had conversations at length about why so many people who are gay can go so long without anyone ever knowing and once they come out with it,  they arent suddenly like Heeeeey! and using their hands to talk, and it came down to the way people act.  They often tell me the people being targeted with discrimination are the overly flamboyant ones and that kind of over the top behavior puts the spotlight on them and sometimes gets negative reaction/attention. They also think poor judgement at times is another huge instigator more times then not, such as getting drunk at a bar and with liquid courage going up to another guy and hitting on him or whatever. Might be common place at a club like Desires (not sure what its called now) where it's a known gay bar and again "hey we're different!" publically advertised bar,  but doing it across the street at whiskey dix or empire..ect would probably be met with hostility especially with liquor involved and potential ridicule the guy would face by the buddies he was there with. 

  7. Back to the point here, what really other then gay marriage was being denied from gay people? They dont ask your sexual orientation in job interviews,  theres no gays only bathrooms, gay people can vote, gay people can travel, own property...ect Have they been discriminated against sure, but I often think most of it is just social hate crimes,  like in school,  and kids picking on the kid with a lisp, or the small guy or skin colour, physical attributes you cant escape from. in my personal experience if someone was being picked on for being gay, it was because they were very flamboyant with it,  and made themselves out to be an easy target. I believe people should be themselves, but I also believe in a time and a place mentality for when to really let loose, and when to be more reserved.  Im a foul mouthed sarcastic off colour humor type guy, that when im with my buddies at a party, I'll hold back nothing,  but if I was in a job interview or at a place you generally know its a type of environment where i need to conduct myself a little more proper, it's night and day.   

  8. there are plenty of ppl out for a good time and are well behaved, but I find it hypocritical to say we want to be treated like everyone else yet make it an in your face Hey Were different!!! occasion.  I've lost out of jobs to people of visible minority  and to women in the past, Ive also been to parties where I've had a gay guy bash me because I drank beer and wore jeans with holes in them, guess I wasnt Metrosexual enough for his personal taste of drinking wine and dressing more clean cut, but I dont take those incidents as anything more then assholes are gonna be assholes, I dont start a rally for straight white males that have been discriminated against,  and you can bet your ass it happens,  especially in todays day and age where all equality has proven is it tipped the scales the other way. 


    Im a nice tolerant guy and I have friends from all walks of life. I know historically a lot of white people have been the face behind the hate, but I often joke,  being a young healthy white male is the worst thing you can possibly be in canada now. It's not a woes me or dont think those who've been done wrong dont deserve a fair chance they should have got all along, but true equality is an imaginary concept. Everyone no matter what will always feel slighted when things dont go their way, and sadly, everyone will always look at why they lost out and immediately blame the obvious.  

  9. I woulld still argue,  like 420 at the Leg, the cause is lost on the majority of ppl taking part, and it's more about a generally accepted occasion where people can go party downtown for free, and be, for lack of a better word, ******** and rarely face any kind of scrutiny.  Like you said, nudity, sex toys,  drug use,  what does that have to do with fighting for equality? if these people did it any other time but at a giant gathering of people knowing generally police dont do much because the #'s are too overwhelming to rile the crowd with arrests,  those people who get their ass thrown in the back of a cruiser without hesistation

  10. so now that gays and lesbians are given all the same rights as everyone else, does that mean no more rainbow parades?


    I say that in jest, but one thing that bothers me is people, be it homosexuals, women, minorities, adamant push for equality,  once they are given their equality (and rightfully so), they seem to still make it a point to stand out and either milk it to gain leverage, or just be different.  I might be wrong,  but wasn't gay pride to show how many ppl are either that way, or indifferent to their life style and celebrate the "we're here we're *****, get used to it."  As far as i know the gay marriage was the only thing that was holding anyone back, and now they can have the same opportunity as straight marriage.  Hatred and bigotry will always exist as its human nature. Just as much as Ive been called a cracker, or white boy. I dont hold it against an entire group of people or the establishment in some cases, I just know some people are gonna be Dbags and use obvious differences as tool to fuel that hatred.


    I'd say this change is a staple that "we got used to it" so is the parade just another reason for people to dress up like weirdos? 420 at the leg used to be about showing the government how many people are in support for legalizing weed, I'd honestly say for a long time now, people just go to the leg to party and get stoned and couldn't care less if any laws change

  11. good on em for making it legal, but I have a feeling it'll still be a long time before those opposed to it dont try to rain on peoples parades anyways. Americans (or much of mankind) have difficulty coming to terms with change and fully embracing, especially religious fanatics which are a plenty down south. 


    **side note, I watched the live speech from Obama interrupting the show I was watching,  man listening to him talk is about the equivalent to watching paint dry

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