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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. That Shaw guy didn’t even go after Gaitor on the pick six. On two occasions he’d hear footsteps later and drop the ball.
  2. Who’s the best QB playing right now and how many cups have they won? Why would you label it personal?
  3. You don’t have to like my logic. He makes more than you and likes doing it. Good for him. Big money and fun! He doesn’t react and you folks would be saying he doesn’t care. Your getting emotional.
  4. You are unsure of yourself that you feel you need to ridicule a well paid professional quarterback that appropriately celebrates a great play to feel good about yourself!
  5. Your grasp of a metaphor is astounding. Yet, I cannot look away.
  6. I’m actually thinking this thread might be bait, to stir up a commotion. I dunno. He never said you said it was swagger. It might surprise you that others have imagination or experience to appreciate and have lots of fun with Nichols play. Your spite of a great play, demonstrated by slagging an expected and harmless celebration confirms your begruding and shallow attitude.
  7. Let’s see, at IGF fans cheered, players hooted and hollered, coaches smacked backs, fans at home high fived, north end crowd went crazy again, Bob Irving even raised his voiced and called it a beautiful pass by MATT NICHOLS. Wtf is wrong with you man? Anyone that celebrates is a ******? Have you ever met anyone that’s had success?
  8. Número uno. Big play Bighill. Spunk, initiative, big plays Numero Dos. Taylor Loffler. Big plays. Big hits. Haven’t seen him play such a complete game this year. Numero Tres. Kevin Fogg. Reliable. Special teams and defense. El bueno, Happy Honker. Senor Matt Nichols....Nichols. Showed leadership. Did what a quarterback has to do to win a big game. Aye carumba. What a beat down! This is the SK squad version of spending the afternoon in a Mexican sweat lodge. Special recognition to the riderfans that fought with each other to get kicked out. You proved who you are, once again.
  9. 1. Matt Nichols, because he bounced back from a funk with 3 TD passes and no ints. 2. Justin Medlock, he was flawless, and scored almost half our points. 3. Andrew Harris, big running yards, leadership, guts, grit, and some fancy acrobatics. Happy Honker goes to Dressler. Clutch and cunning receiver. That goal post thing...woooooo.
  10. The posts focusing on the failures and downplaying success reveal more about the poster than anything about the bombers.
  11. I’m so darn impressed with that defence tonight. My god. If this is what they have been saving up to do, we could win the rest of our games from the D alone. Two years ago the blue d was a turnover machine. Tonight’s blitz machine stymied the schmoes to 3 points. That’s eye opening. Blitzes, turnovers, incredibly hard hits, that’s football that’s fun to watch.
  12. I like 1st star: Kevin Fogg 2nd star: Soupy Sayles 3rd star: Adam Bighill Happy Honker: Drake Nevis
  13. Szcrotum71, 17to85 is correct in his interpretation of the rule as constructed. It makes the most sense. His comment includes the qualifier for an occasion when 44 players are on a roster.
  14. I was referring to a someday occurrence of the synchronized signal at a field goal. In this example, above, how in the heck did they screw that call up? Lol
  15. Without looking up his name or spelling, I’ll say “Ed Hoculy” is an NFL ref. CFL refs seem to want to be part of the show throwing undue number flags, then consulting further delaying the game. The other thing they seem to do by design is when a convert or field goal is good, they look at each other and both of them under the goal posts raise their arms in a synchronized fashion. Synchronized reffing isn’t necessary. I’d like to see one signal in and the other say out, someday. I don’t watch games to see refs flaunting their colourful scarf dance or synchronous signalling.
  16. The CFL refs call more penalties in a game than NFL officials, by about 7 or 8 per game. Theory might support more officials = more penalties but NFL uses 7 officials, CFL 6 and obviously on a larger field. So less skill by CFL players or are CFL officials all hopped up on Mountain Dew?
  17. Ex National players, Miller, Walters, and O’Shea, may not have the contacts due to lack of exposure down south. But McManus should have some friends in the states. Ha! You must have convinced me so much, I thought the observation was my idea.
  18. You missed Goalies comment. The topic is 3 bomber stars and cactus jacks happy honker. You disrespected that. You aren’t being open to bomber fans following their tradition. You are trying to change our tradition. Are you dense? Speaking of essence, that follows rider fans everywhere and is offensive.
  19. Intriguing question. It could be a perception that there are fewer td’s On kick returns. However, I’d guess it’s the number of penalties that are called. Of the 135-160 plays average in a cfl game average 20 penalties are assessed. Last years second kick return in a single game, might have been hammy at Winnipeg, was called back. Some Safeway winner was denied a million bucks because of the penalty. I gots no specific facts for the questions, just anecdotes to ***** about the refs.
  20. Two games ago the Special teams were introduced. We commented but other fans nearby said they had seen that before, a long time ago.
  21. I didnt see him chewing anyone out on Saturday. I believe you when you say you did. Over the past couple of training camps, I have seen MOS be spirited in his direction to a player. In fact, there was a recruit at camp on the sidelines not participating due to injury texting on a cell phone. MOS took the phone, threw it maybe 40 yards and again in a spirited fashion instructed that he was to be involved even if on the sidelines. He has also blasted staff for letting fans in early for practice. He might not be a hothead, but is certainly capable of giving someone a blast. Maybe on Saturday some players needed a blast.
  22. You wasted a whole bunch of time composing, writing, and reviewing this post.
  23. Turning point of the game. Thompkins drops a pass from Bernie at midfield. I slouched and said, “ the receivers don’t understand they need to catch passes.” Like I know nothing but our champs need to learn to grab the ball and hang n. Wolitarsky slips and misses an easy pass. Demski dropped one and another guy, Miller, failed to catch a very catchable ball. any one of those passes been completed and the bombers would have cmtimued to move the ball well. Ambulance leaves after a 25 minute delay. Any air the blue had was released with this bit of adversity.
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