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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. Today, you shall be the Daily Pessimist. Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh man, Thats so funny. Oh man…..
  2. I started this morning with 3 Caesars. The subs learned all season from the first stringers. Bombers 42 Als 5.
  3. I sort have had the same idea. Yet, it doesn’t hurt to remind myself, it’s not my decision, it’s not my decision, it’s not my decision. Actually told myself to chill about it.
  4. This is a great photo. Two great competitors having a moment. “68” no logo on the hat. Who wears face masks like that any more. Classic Filthy uni’s from wet turf, cleats that will rip apart a trash can. Speedy, is that pic from your own collection?
  5. Good post. Bc- he’d have to win the west first. next guy, definitely not, Cal - neither, NO way not that whiner, has a KR won before? I think so! Ham - nope not enough playing time, McCoil - I like watching the guy play, but a D man for MOP? I dunno, not against our QB, and that last guy, others are right, he’s in the running.
  6. MORE than Hitler?! Didn’t know that was possible.
  7. In the past 15 MOP awards QB’s have won 10 times. The last two RB’s to win are Cornish in 2013 and Pringle in 1998. Preference appears to be qb’s.
  8. Will Collaros need to play the next two games and perform well to win the MOP? Who is his competition for mop?
  9. Yep! Other teams just play lousy against the Bombers. It’s so weird.
  10. Lol! They aren’t bad if you don’t have to visit a doctor.
  11. Is that why we won? I missed that part.
  12. I’m sure Vagasswhole is gonna screw up. Not once more but on and on.
  13. Of course, it’s up to the db when the qb throws.
  14. Both these teams suck. Awful ad for cfl. Missed field goal. Just suckage.
  15. Elks non antler helmet logos look much better.
  16. I was about to say, “Banks looks washed up”. Yet, maybe he still is. Nice play.
  17. Use to be some very hot cars and super heavy duty trucks.
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