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Rod Black

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Everything posted by Rod Black

  1. Thanks for the reminder. You’ll never guess what I was about to rip. Lol Was the 360 photo of the fans at IGF taken at a half time? That was cool!
  2. Mmmm mmmm mmmm this ain’t no hobo blues, not a blues boogie jam, serves you right to suffer, all the whiskey and wimmen it’s the bye week blues.
  3. That’s a catchy lil number. You write that during a bye week?
  4. Oh man I’m hurtin - in paiaiaiain. a Bomber bye, so downhearted, In deep blue. Miserable.
  5. I got the bye week bluuuues I got the bye week bluuuues my baby left me she took my bottle yet nuttin worse than The bye eye eye week bluuuuues
  6. It’s because bombers opponents only play poorly when playing the Blue. It’s weird how that happens.
  7. Honestly, there was a point last night when the #2;bc qb left the game with another fake qb injury and the #1 subbed in bamboozling Richie Hall. Totally unexpected and has probably never happened before. It was certainly a sly trick to catch us off guard. It almost worked because they gained 10 yards and they ended up getting a first down. BUT the refs let the D line off the hook by not calling another of the at least 18 times we lined up off side. The refs knew Campbell had no more challenges. We dodged a real bullit.
  8. Clearly it’s the only logical explanation.
  9. Then the rest of the league won’t look so bad.
  10. It’s tough to predict the future. Buck Pierce has been an outstanding play caller. Bright future as a coach.
  11. Broader descriptions? Lmao…very good, excellent!
  12. I don’t feel bad or guilty for a second enjoying the dominating win, being first place, clinching the playoff home game, shutting out opponents, and being the reigning champs. **** them. This is great
  13. “Whole league” you have a point. And the “whole league” wants to beat the snot out of the lions like they got beat tonight. Any team in the “whole league” would love to win like that. Any other team in the “whole league” would love to have the bombers record.
  14. He should ask himself “why” Collaros would fake a head injury when he played for them.
  15. Flat earth conspiracy theories. Oh, Man can fly with feathers.
  16. League is going to have to do something about that. Lmao
  17. Riderfans…”refs let the bombers get away with everything”…which I’m sure includes tackling and scoring.
  18. 1. Collaros..why not. 2. Willie J. Big plays. 3. grant…we have a playa HH Adams…solid diversion from the other big receivers, who really is Mike OShea and why does he have Richie Hall?
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