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Everything posted by trueBlue83

  1. Unfortunately the same could be said for our game against BC last week.... very few fans came out. Will be interesting to see if we can get anywhere near a sellout without the aid of 5000 Rider fans snatching up tickets. should be a good atmosphere.... many tailgated before the Grey Cup. I expect no less come Sunday! This week can't go by quick enough!!
  2. I'm going to say Buckley probably has the most experience in these weather conditions being Canadian.... hoping Messam only plays the first quarter, if at all. Last thing they want is to risk him to injury, so I'd have to think his reps would be minimal.
  3. yup.... my bad. I really started paying full attention to the league in the early 2000's.... only went to the odd game here and there in the 90's as I was too young. I clearly thought you meant tenure's with the Bombers... I paid no attention to others teams in the 90's, only what we had here!
  4. Did not realize that... just looked it up. I was 11 at that time! Haha
  5. Jim Daley was mid 2000's & Reggie Slack was mid 90's, neither of which I believe made it to Grey Cup???
  6. everyone is acting like this is such a drastic decision.... if LeFevour stumbles, Davis goes right in.... they didn't let Davis play too long last week before he got the hook. I can't see this game being any different. Could be a short leash!
  7. Didn't the offence not put up a TD against BC two weeks before as well? No guarantee Nichols would have ... he hasn't been great the last month by any means
  8. there was an autographed LeFevour jersey on the rack at the Bomber store before the season started... I tucked it away in anticipation of this.... it's probably still there if someone wants to jump on that bandwagon early!
  9. So what you're saying is, he's probably in shape!??
  10. We brought back Max Hall?? isn't he not allowed to cross the border??
  11. Did you watch the whole game?? how it was even that close was the insane part.... it had no business being that close. nearing the end of the 2nd quarter, BC had 238 passing yards to our 32, and it was a 3 point ball game (aided by a blocked punt TD). BC took some stupid penalties extending our drives and getting us into FG range. They play even a bit disciplined, and that game is way out of reach early in the 3rd.
  12. Riders will be chomping at the bit to play our banged up bunch... no way they ease up at home this weekend. A game here still probably nets them 5K fans for the semi, whereas barely any take the long trip east.
  13. And still no mention of Romby Bryant...he's probably still waiting by the phone'
  14. Deonte Spencer.. where didn't that guy come from, and how do we find one!?
  15. Bring on Collaros in the offseason... having him here won't hurt. Can't see him sticking around Hamilton
  16. Medlock was the only one on the field who knew they were running a fake...
  17. Ron Joyce (Timmy's) could cut a cheque tomorrow and have this done.... the real problem is finding an ownership group that is actually going to be invested in the team, and not just be backing it financially. If you don't have owners who are actively involved, it won't work out there. I had read at one time that there is a group of people who have been exploring it, and there would be 4-5 people involved in the ownership. Would people travel 9 times a year from Moncton to Halifax, or vice versa to go watch football?? You might get a handful, but most would probably be 1-2 times a year, and I don't know that the fan base is large enough and sustainable. I'd love to be wrong though, cause I'd make a trip out there to see the Bombers!!
  18. would you really expect him to say he doesn't want him back, with the playoffs coming up!?? of course not.... anything short of a Grey Cup appearance, and Hall's return comes in to question. The way the D has surrendered yards this year, it has to be a major question mark in the offseason regardless of how they finish. I don't believe for a second that O'Shea would stand pat if we were one and done in the playoffs.
  19. Carter would lose his s*** when Nichols misses him on long balls, toss the Gatorade container in a sideline tirade, and beat Korey Banks record for shortest tenure as a Bomber ever, getting released before halftime!
  20. then why leave him in there? he really wasn't doing much to move the ball... so on top of being hurt, he was ineffective.... let the other guys get some time. I'm not trying to be super negative, because I am happy how far the team has come... I just thing there is still room for improvement as we approach the games that matter. Get Davis, and even LeFevour some time down the stretch... cause if Nichols was to go down in the playoffs, we need our backups to be ready to jump in and be effective.
  21. ohhhh... back when they sold games out!! the good ol days!
  22. any trash talk expected pregame between Kyries Hebert & Matt Nichols?? Hebert did project him to win MVP this year... tongue in cheek of course!
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