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Posts posted by Nolby

  1. 17 minutes ago, O2L said:

    So does this mean that Denmark is being benched because he's being rewarded for good play? Because I sure hate seeing Smith in over him...

    I thought from reading posts that he was banged up. I don't think there was a chance in hell they'd bench him over smith.

  2. 29 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    Our defence would need to stand on it's head but unfortunately they rely too much on forcing turnovers than actually shutting you down. The offence is pop-gun at best with Nichols and Plap, very reminiscent of the 2011 Buck and Plap show that fizzled in the big game.

    I've often as well compared this year's team to that grey cup team of 2011. Records are fairly similar, defense has been our backbone all year, great running game but I do really think our offense this year is much better and deeper than then. I think Plap calls a better game than Jamie baressi did.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    It's day 1 I guess. If guys are injured even slightly they probably won't play.  Bombers ARE in the playoffs so if guys are nicked up... it's best to sit them. I bet Nichols doesn't play the whole game either. 

    My guess is Nichols does play the entire game, they're still fighting for home field.

  4. 15 minutes ago, ddanger said:

    Bombers till have some work to do....especially in the secondary.

    I agree, they're not letting in tons of passing tds but chewing up the field with 300-400 yard games will kill us. Now that we've made the playoffs we better have a sold out final game. I'm tired of seeing empty stands even with a decent product on the field.

  5. 14 hours ago, bustamente said:

    No stars for me tonight Flanders HH, hope when Harris comes back they find a way to keep him in the lineup.

    I'd love that idea as well but MO said they're not looking at a 2 back system unless it's some type of special play package.

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