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  1. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from bustamente in US Politics   
    Did you read the report?
    Even just the summary portions of the Mueller report? Not the barr 4 page spin job.... the report. 
    WHy just the two choices?  It was in the Mueller report (the 10 points of evidence of obstruction) and no- he did not agree with Barr- at all. he even wrote a letter to barr saying as much.
    here it is:

    and you can get a canadian view on it too:
    Even Barr didn't know if Mueller agreed with him, he even says it in yesterday's hearing:
    "I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion," Barr replied.  
  2. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from AtlanticRiderFan in US Politics   
    What? you can't compare the state of the USA and Canada... 
    It almost seems you are trying very hard to tie and equate JT with trump...  that would be a very failed comparison.
  3. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Thats factually untrue.  Im all for differing opinions but you shouldnt just be able to come in here and post lies to forward a false narrative.  Why would you even want to?  Have the Russians invaded this forum? lol
    Secondly, you wont read the report but if you did, its chalk full of collusion.  If you're a legitimate poster, start by checking the definition of collusion and go from there.  Good luck!
  4. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from bustamente in US Politics   
    You need to check the facts. Here is an article that does a quick outline of how it holds up:
  5. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from Wideleft in US Politics   
    You need to check the facts. Here is an article that does a quick outline of how it holds up:
  6. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from Wideleft in US Politics   
    Here is an article that talks about the closed door caucus meeting that leads up to that moment:
    of note:
    which is kind of worrisome. 
  7. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from Mark F in US Politics   
    Here is an article that talks about the closed door caucus meeting that leads up to that moment:
    of note:
    which is kind of worrisome. 
  8. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from JCon in US Politics   
    Here is an article that talks about the closed door caucus meeting that leads up to that moment:
    of note:
    which is kind of worrisome. 
  9. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    Hillary's buttery males and the Ben Gay scandal! These are the real problems! 
  10. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from Wideleft in US Politics   
    and don't forget the tiki torches.

  11. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Whataboutism.  Like, if you are anti-Trump you HAVE to be anti JT too?  Does not compute.  Apples & oranges.  And off topic anyway.  But when you can't defend your guy, its easier to attack the other guy.  Thats the MO of the very fine people on the right.  😉
  12. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from JCon in US Politics   
    and don't forget the tiki torches.

  13. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from Wideleft in US Politics   
    What? you can't compare the state of the USA and Canada... 
    It almost seems you are trying very hard to tie and equate JT with trump...  that would be a very failed comparison.
  14. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from bustamente in US Politics   
    What? you can't compare the state of the USA and Canada... 
    It almost seems you are trying very hard to tie and equate JT with trump...  that would be a very failed comparison.
  15. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Yeah, the nationalists arm bands have very different symbols and their screaming isnt for a re-vote, its for the death of minorities.  
  16. Disagree
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to kelownabomberfan in US Politics   
    He'll leave, but there will be protests in the streets with bonfires and rioting and brain-dead celebrities will wear #resist arm-bands and scream for a re-vote.  Oh wait, only Democrats do that.
  17. Disagree
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to kelownabomberfan in US Politics   
    and yet the situation you described above is no different than how Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have been behaving in Canada.  Are dark days ahead for Canadians too?  Are we going to just be stuck with two brain-dead lunatic dictators running our countries for the next six years?
  18. Agree
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    I think they wanted Barr first so they could pin him down and if Mueller contradicted him, it would be perjury.  Barr is such a weasel though.  AG cant handle questions from staffers...lol 
    They'll get Mueller.  Thing about Mueller, he has been exeedingly fair to the President.  Much more than he had to be.  And I understand the criticism of him.  He should have been more concrete in his report but I wonder if he thought Barr was not so conflicted.  We'll see if Mueller is more pointed in front of Congress.  if he is, its bad for a lot of people, including Graham.  Like, how can you not want to hear from Mueller?
  19. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to bustamente in US Politics   
    Dark and violent days are ahead for Americans where rule of law is thrown out the window to serve the POTUS who see himself as a dictator and above the law protected by people that he has put in place and Republicans in the Senate. 
  20. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    The nationalists are hilarious.  Equating no indictment to exoneration when it wasnt even on the table.  And equating conspiracy and collusion.  Like, they cant even argue facts because it doesnt support their twisted perspective.  
    If this was Watergate, these same people would be defending Nixon with a straight face.  
    But hey, impeach Clinton right?  And what about the emails!!  *clutches pearls*
  21. Haha
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to JCon in US Politics   
    Oh, didn't you hear? It's done. Yeah, it was declared done by Graham, so it must be. Never mind all the indictments and plea deals and all the evidence that Trump knowing encouraged Russia to interfere with the election, it's done. 
    It's fine with the alt-righties around here. It's done. 
  22. Agree
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    Except thats not true. 
  23. Like
    Wanna-B-Fanboy got a reaction from JCon in The Environment Thread   
    About time. It's been an emergency for many decades.... finally some governments are recognizing it.
  24. Thanks
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to Mark F in US Politics   
  25. Agree
    Wanna-B-Fanboy reacted to 17to85 in US Politics   
    Well released after having parts censored and the Attorney General gas lighting the actual contents of the report.... see that's what they are banking on, get their own spun version of things out there first and then hope people just don't care enough to actually pay attention to what is in the report. I see it worked on you...
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