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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I would bet 100$ that Masoli's tibia is broken. The way asshat planted his helmet and cupped the back of Masoli's ankle- then wrenched as hard as he could... That marino Mother ****** needs to get shunned outta this league.
  2. Now was this after he gouged him in the eye or spat on him? I kid, I kid- is there a link?
  3. If you click on the sort tab for win percentage... Zach is king of that hill...
  4. I dont know, but I am really liking how our bye weeks are set up this year...
  5. To be fair, Rhymes was a pushing off and stuff. The dude just does enough to get separation but not enough to draw a flag- it was maddening.
  6. Yeeesh... anyone else tired of the Bombers playing against BC, the refs and the command center?
  7. How is that not pushing off to get the ball?
  8. **** off- command center is so full of ****.
  9. Oh boy... All phases of the Bomber's Game looks Dialed in AF
  10. I hope Grant makes Pat Hill a millionaire today
  11. Special teams... check. Defense- Check ok... let's see what we have on O...
  12. I kid, I kid- 😁 Some really good pic there... Not sure if many would break my top 10, but very interesting picks.
  13. morino- 100% intent to injure. dirty as ****. top it off with classless asshattery. I will give credit to most of the posters on riderfans- calling this **** out and being thoroughly disgusted with the play and antics afterwards... only a few were trying to defend that dirty AF intent to injure. As mentioned- coaches and refs are a huge part of the issue here in letting this **** get to that point. marino should be radioactive at this point and should just be sidelined and eventually jettisoned like a piece of **** he is.
  14. It was after that ticat game here... that was the game where he became broken.
  15. Damn it man- Why do you have to bring up Drew Wily every chance you get? You guys related? I suspect that Awe was approached and a contract was drawn up before Tre was released- Tre got picked up by the "L"ks before the Bombers knew for certain that Wilson was going to be out for an extended period of time. Sucks, but that's how it goes.
  16. Interesting thread on tossing out the constitution.... some compelling points:
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