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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. We all agree that sleemans 2.0 sucks balls... Except @Arnold_Palmer, he uses it to sober up.
  2. I don't know about you guys... but I am jonesing for a Sleeman's 2.0
  3. Got his ankle rolled up on and is injured for the foreseeable future.
  4. It's climie... nuff said. Never liked him as a player, certainly not as an analyst and he was always on the wrong side of the court cases. Just don't like him.
  5. Oh **** man, I hope you have a speedy recovery. Wishing the best, dude. IDKAT, I would say that deliberately taking a flying shot at a prone QBs lower leg in an attempt to injure him and clowning about it afterwards might be just a little bit lower.
  6. No when it comes to Kelvin McKnight. 😁 sorry, just a bit underwhelmed is all.
  7. Nope the only sound was BONGGGGGGGGGG! Shot and Chaser
  8. Yeah, not his call to go from shotgun on 3rd and 1...
  9. Me too, we need to get some more separation from the rest of the western pack.
  10. Damn, this is a sweet POV of the Schoen TD: I don't recall that angle watching the game... is that a Bomber Cameraman?
  11. That sucks- dude can't catch a break. I was rootin' for the kid.
  12. Agreed, I was just getting bent out of shape with the constant first downs the elks are getting
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