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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. She is totally the GOP's new boogey Man She's a young woman, of colour with power and sensible wonderful ideas.
  2. Well this is cool. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/11/30/18118158/house-democrats-anti-corruption-bill-hr-1-pelosi
  3. I respect those sentiments- I do. I felt the same way too. I think though, that the difference is that anger fueled that election and clear thought was tossed out the window. people wanted so much to throw a brick through the window of establishment, not understanding that it was their window.
  4. To be fair though... many of these people who voted for trump were fed up with the status quo- and I don't blame them. They wanted real change and thought that trump would bring that about... he brought change... just not the type that helps the middle and lower class. They (we) live in a broken system of cycling through boom and bust, where the rich get richer with bail outs and the poor get poorer with belt tightening.... It makes no sense in continuing this economy which breaks down every 8-12 years. I mean ****... would you buy a car that breaks down every 100-150 Kms? Would you continue to invest in that car?
  5. Holy **** balls! That is BANANAS! wow... Just when you think this administration can no longer shock you... amazing...
  6. You clearly didn't read that article I posted for you about the "Alt-left" did you? It was coined by trump to defend modern day nazis after the Charlottesville nazi march. So might want to ease up on that "Alt-left" stuff or people might mistake your posts as some sort of white supremacist dog whistling. Just throwing that out there and trying keep you from looking like a supporter of white supremacy. Here are some links (I hope you read them). https://www.wired.com/story/what-is-alt-left/ https://www.ajc.com/news/national/what-the-alt-left/8zSp3uA7hvEEb32l1Y357H/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/opinion-rochon-is-there-an-alt-left-1.4272178 https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/vbbvbx/stop-saying-alt-left https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/16/politics/what-is-alt-left/index.html and, I am not sure what you are referencing to in regards to "1984".
  7. Wow... That was... a little kooky.
  8. I think we should go easy- no fair for everyone to gang up on him- there must be a reason he's wiggin' out like this.
  9. This reminds me of the time grandpa forgot to take his meds and sat infront of fox news all day.
  10. Jesus... what the **** is wrong with you? why would you defend that ****? You're going full Lyle E. Style here. You never to go full Lyle.
  11. And a shitpost for levity https://www.quora.com/Why-do-many-British-people-not-like-Donald-Trump/answer/Nate-White-44
  12. A very excellent Thread on FBI, DOJ and trump. Or use Threader for a more eye friendly way to read through this monster thread: https://threader.app/thread/1097539215800352768
  13. I think it was a simple as the defense was pissed off and shitting on the offense for continuously crapping the bed and having to carry the offense.
  14. What was the rider's time of possession vs the rest of the league?
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