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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Uhg... has the same stench as the Nick Moore debacle...
  2. The way his pylon of a o-line got him mauled... they might be right.
  3. So the East needs to elevate their play?
  4. WOuld it be wrong if Walters didn't do his due diligence and at least looked into the BLM situation? he is probably the best QB in the league and he is ready to go to a team not named Calgary. Freed up money from Chung and Goosen... that would cover the difference between Nichols' salary and BLMs.... just saying...
  5. I am so sorry guys- was in a meeting and posted that- didn't realize it was that unclear of a message- holy was it ever lol. anyways- just a thought that popped into my head. no actual transaction. sorry for the confusion.
  6. Nichols traded to sask and Bombers sign HIM at a discounted 650k over three years?
  7. If the Bombers grab Walker- that would open things WIDE open for Adams and make our offense crazy good. Adams is a good receiver but not a legit #1. Behind a legit #1 I think Adams will be much more effective.
  8. I think Edm and Sask are going to be battling for the dumpster fire next year.
  9. no kidding- I don't blame him... they failed to protect him and I think that had a part in his leaving.
  10. I did. Oh- I was hoping for your own words and work. ah well. Thanks anyways.
  11. Thanks for your views on this. Keep up the great work. That is really interesting- I would love to see the moath on this- could you please point me in the right direction of your support?
  12. Interesting- if you take what you posted relating temperature and compare it to this graph of CO2... ... If you correlate those peaks of temperatue (2 - 2.75 C) add in that last peak and we might be looking at... what 4-7 degress? Maybe you should sound those alarm bells.
  13. yes. yes it is. It is textbook racism. This is derailing the gender pay gap discussion- maybe we should trim this issue off to a new thread?
  14. Wow? C'mon man that is pretty much on brand for these assholes. Shocked- no; pissed off and angry- yup.
  15. I think you are knit-picking a little hard at those semantics.
  16. Good point. But if took on BLM or MR we have to move on from Nichols.
  17. If we had a chance at BLM or MR... should we at least try for it? Wouldn't that move make the team better?
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