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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Interesting- so you think trump should get a pass? And govern in an unchecked capacity because he was elected ?
  2. Odd- the LEap Manifesto seems like common sense from what I have read.
  3. True true. But the justice system decides who goes to prison.
  4. I think that's what he means- the trump as mob boss and treating the presidency as a side hustle is getting out of hand.
  5. Are you talking about the Leap Manifesto and those who support it?
  6. I would be happy with a Liberal minority propped up by the NDP. There needs to be some better checks and balances.
  7. Holy shitballs. Lybian dictator and prostitutes.... JT? I need some links.
  8. Or- I just don't buy into the Hyperbole and respond in kind. Also- I think I am pretty numb when it comes to political scandals- I have been following the USA politics since the primaries in '15- you need to cut me some slack here. 😀 This may be big- time will tell. Did JT do anything wrong here, if so- what specifically? I am honestly a bit ignorant here in regards to each parties respective roles. ANywyas- no offense taken, my previous post was cheeky.
  9. I have to disagree- this doesn't even crack the top 500 "where we you when" days. it doesn't even beat out Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande's engagement announcement- and it certainly doesn't beat out their subsequent break up. (I was picking up my son from the Y and the latter I was at Costco)
  10. Season 3! Awesome! I am really enjoying this iteration of Star Trek.
  11. You know there is going to be that dough-head be all like: ANyways, it's nice to see that the mounting evidence is getting to the point where even the diehard deniers will no longer have any social licence to spout their lies.
  12. Its funny, my 4 year old daughter keeps calling it ******... I just can't bring myself to correct her.
  13. Holy crap... William Happer is to chair new climate panel... this guy: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/02/retired-physicist-leading-new-trump-effort-question-climate-threat-security https://qz.com/1556485/william-happer-trumps-climate-denying-advisors-zaniest-quotes/ https://www.vox.com/2019/2/20/18233378/william-happer-trump-climate-change-panel Damn.... I wonder what he is going to find.
  14. I didn't think that bit would be completed next week... he reapplied for a 6 month extension for the grand jury just last month. Plus there are still a few more indictments to hand out.
  15. Funny how he is always defending sex offenders.
  16. I don't think you'd make too much off of me. I would tell you what i need, give you facts as to why i would need it and grow dismayed that you don't take the facts and reasons why I need this and then move on to the next salesperson who takes facts into consideration.
  17. Whoa... there is a video of Kraft allegedly receiving paid services....
  18. Thank goodness... I would hate to see Manafort get free without serving his time.
  19. My Goodness KFB- I had no clue you were that self-aware, good on you. Now just go through and check out EO's posts as they are chalk full of facts and examples. If you are as self-aware about your confirmation bias and are as open minded as you claim to be, EO's facts and examples may convince you. He makes some solid points. .
  20. Confirmation bias. Or the inability to think logically.
  21. I think this makes sense to people who don't dismiss anything that doesn't fit their narrative or people who's rational thought is not hijack by thier personal confirmation bias.
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