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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Good grief... the channel has been changed. Last week there was talk about the trump and a pedophile. Now no one is talking about that. It's kind of surface brilliance... Looks genius at first glance then you think.. "Yeah I would prefer to be looked at as racist than a ******* peder-ass". The choice is not really a choice.
  2. Why not? We read your blatherings and take what you think in consideration- why would you discount her thoughts?
  3. Agreed. But to constantly point out "issues" of our team and rarely critique other teams and give them the benefit of the doubt constantly... well that is kinda stupid too.
  4. I honestly think we would have lost that game against Edmonton with Strevs. That defence required a bit more seasoned experience to defeat.
  5. That may be your belief, but it is far from reality. It's the constant stream of nitpicky reasons to hate on Nichols while ignoring the rest of his body of work this year. You can't discount him as a bad QB by cherry picking stats or perceived shortcomings in a vacuum - people need to take his whole bodybof qork this year into consideration and stop with the "Yeah, buts".
  6. Didn't jones get owned on two of the three touchdowns?
  7. Unfortunately i think they might be the first team to beat us. The plus side... we will be what... 8-0
  8. $30 million well spent- the oil and gas industry needs more tax payer hand outs for propaganda.
  9. **** that guy is a dirty player... You can't give him and open lane- he will always come in dirty.
  10. Why would he do That? This ensures his strangle hold on the departments.
  11. Yup- that pick 6 to seal the game in OT.. was epic. There was a gif of CP throwing a tantrum- can't find it now.
  12. And Casey Printer's lowest. That was an epic game.
  13. In that picture, he looks like the Argos multimedia grabbed a hobo off the street and tossed a doubleblue uni on him.
  14. The thing is... you don't. It's game day and we are hosting the Argos- you are allowed, Nay-EXPECTED to not defend T.O or at the very least defend them after they have collected up off the field their battered and bruised egos, slumping back to the big smoke where they will wallow in full emo style contemplating their pained existence as a franchise where no one cares... Remember after... not before.
  15. Next one to go? ANd who is Fred Fleitz? You guessed it:
  16. Great that Acosta is out, but now we have to suffer through another acting appointment with someone not nearly qualified as the last... Which is saying a lot, cuz those initial appointments- abysmal. I mean, what the **** are they going to replace Betsy Devos with once she's out? A sac of wet hammers?
  17. Logan & Stanback, say, "You sure about that?" Not as impressive... all against Toronto.
  18. Riders ******* Suck. And their fans are little ass-clinging turds (Klingons, if you will). Can we get behind This?
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