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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Yet, what is stated in the article remains true. To be honest, I am more concerned with the policy of open science, not gagging our scientist and evidence based decision making than I am trying to excuse JT- as I have said before- I am not a huge fan of JT, I just less of a fan of Sheerer. I assume like all other links posted, you didn't read this one either.
  2. Still... love how much a whiny sore loser he comes off as in the post game interview.
  3. I didn't realize how much they embraced science, evidence based decision making and how much of Harper's draconian gag orders were undone- bravo. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/08/16/news/how-trudeau-government-reversed-harpers-anti-science-agenda
  4. First, you say time to talk policies- yet you still bring up SNC-lavilin and nothing on the policy front. Secondly, you may be right about leadnow, but Wideleft got you all the facts and evidence (quoted below)- yet you still plug your ears and cover your eyes screaming fake news. He did all the work for you, all you have to do is read the links. If a leader surrounds himself with people who show they are willing to court, work with and aid racists- at best he is condoning racism at worse he is a racist.... and I can't have that in a leader. If someone is cool with their leader being a racist, that's on them- if that is not a deal breaker, then those people should maybe look at their values.
  5. Well looks like every other game they played... They did it pro bono then
  6. oof. Looks like the grey cup will be going through Edmonton this year.
  7. Well you are going to have to produce some sort of argument- otherwise it's really just your feeling unsupported by facts.
  8. Is it wrong for me to think T. Harris would look good in Blue and Gold?
  9. Omg! That was the best response ever. Thanks for that- that is a view point I have never considered- wow. FTR, Wideleft totally tolerates conservatives- as evidenced by his post history and the fact he hasn't placed anyone on his Ignore list. Tolerating conservatives and condemning beliefs that run counter to one's own personal values- is fair.
  10. So... you want us to call you when people are farming in Greenland like the vikings... Uh, ok... sure thing. They are farming there already.
  11. Hey, I see racism and I am happy to call it out, especially if it involves people that can potentially run our country. driving a wedge... nice try. I think I would be more effective if I used my power to form a 1-800 hotline to rat out any people involved in customs that I know nothing about and sow discord that way- maybe call it the "barbaric cultural practices" hotline... Oh wait... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/02/canada-conservatives-barbaric-cultural-practices-hotline
  12. I was really impressed how Strev took out the guy who intercepted his pass.
  13. What are you doing following a leading conspiracy theorist heavily funded by the oil and gas industry in Vivian Kraus? get you head out of the tar sands man. Wideleft's Statement about the racist ties of Sheerer's senior staff still stand though.
  14. If Nichols is six-gamed, I think they need to bring in a third QB.
  15. Looks like all those people clamoring for strevs to stsrt...
  16. https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/united-we-roll-1.5030419 https://www.macleans.ca/politics/andrew-scheer-has-a-problem/ He's courting racists. I am not a JT fan, but I would vote strategically to stop Sheerer. SNC-Lavelin or COurting Racists... And I am not looking forward to silencing science (gag order) and ideological rhetoric driven policies instead of evidence based decision making...
  17. I think it's because Speller is injured. I am really excited to see what he can do. I hope he gets a few reps.
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