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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Moscow Mitch has a *gasp* Russian donor. Good article that shows how Rusal got into Kentucky despite sanctions against the Russian Company.
  2. There were two non-rider games this week, No?
  3. I don't get what you are putting out there.
  4. Total. Hit. Job. It makes the most sense. It literally makes the most sense. From CCN https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/16/opinions/jeffrey-epstein-indictment-tip-iceberg-honig/index.html My Hope now is that JE had incriminating evidence stowed away, awaiting release upon his untimely Death.
  5. Hit job? I wouldn't be surprised.
  6. It was really close... my question though, is why wasn't the head shot called on Judge?
  7. True that, if not for the INT- that would have been a game we lost by one point again. Ugh.
  8. I know, right? It's like he's a ham n' egger minus the slice of processed cheese.
  9. I don't think so- and I suspect you don't really either. He plays like he does though- I will totally grant you that.
  10. I LOVE the fire that the Oline brings
  11. If we win.... we do not fukcing deserve it at all
  12. Just like the TO game me thinks... lose by 1 point.
  13. It was so planned- 3 and 5.... yeah he was told to find a DB and truck him and call PI.
  14. He was caught doing that **** a few years back. Why does he continue to get away with **** like that?
  15. This stumps drive should have ended a few plays ago- there is no way they should allow charging from a receiver to run into a defensive back.
  16. that there is a patented dicky play where you have a reciever on the other side draw a PI by charging the defender.
  17. We're winning... up two scores... but I am still leery about our Offence- we do not seem to be doing, much of anything. Take away the two TD on special teams... and these boards would be a lot more ornery.
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