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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. All this time I thought it was for the shove! Thanks for the info.
  2. I never tire of this gif. It is one of those rare things in life that bring joy every time you see it; Like re-watching the Bombers win the first ever game in New Mosaic.
  3. That is like asking a monkey to Plan a parade route. It will come to a point where the monkey just stands in place, yelling at all onlookers and eventually devolves into flinging feces.
  4. Yeah, I am all for Lives over money. I am solidly on team "Deficit spend to keep small businesses and furloughed employees in order to keep people safe and retain their livelihoods." If I were a betting man, I would bet that @do or die's gin habit agrees
  5. Yeah, she embodies much of what is distasteful in the GOP.
  6. Yup, and he has the break out comment in the new ad here: "It is so much worse than it looks." -Miles Taylor.
  7. Just wait until the ""Ron Johnson is my neighbor and strangled our dog Buttons right in front of my 4-year-old son" portion of the program- it made my day.
  8. I thought we had more capacity at the old Women's Health building.
  9. Every time I hear Graham whine, this clip always comes to mind
  10. WHat is insane about this, is the fact that Fox news division passed on the Lap top from hell story. Yet, the entire fox corp gets all indignant and 1st Amendy- wrapping themselves in the constitution for "blatant right view censorship"... And that's what is crazy- the unabashed hypocrisy with absolutely no shame.... it's appalling, yet expected.
  11. Wow. Serious dystopia vibes from this with shades of 1984... it's... just wow.
  12. Trump supporter: "I came for the Covid, but stayed for the hypothermia." Edit: Damn it, I keep hitting quote when I try to edit things...
  13. I think I am going to dust off some of my old Creedence albums.
  14. I dont understand how this is huge news- its not like trump is famous for his empathy and concern for the safety and wellbeing of his supporters.
  15. ... That keeps on giving. I can honestly say that I never tire of this gif. It's got everything: - Kerwin spiking the football into his own balls. -Juran Bolden gives him a GTFO shove at the exact moment Kerwin sacks himself. - An unsuspecting Tommy Europe gets pushed from behind and falls as he's got a WTF look on his face as he looks at the ref throws the flag. So Happy 20th Anniversary Awesome Gif!
  16. Yeah, @JCon had suggested: Which is a really solid idea and would mitigate a lot issues. I also like Buttegieg's idea of GOP pick 5, Dems pick 5 and then those 10 justices appoint another 5 with unanimous consent.- for a total of 15 SCOTUS Justices.
  17. Developed by the University of Oxford with AstraZeneca (British/Swedish multinational). https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-26/astra-oxford-vaccine-produces-immune-response-in-older-adults
  18. This seems a little light in the resume for a lifetime SCOTUS appointment... but that's just me...
  19. This crime family has serious issues with projection. I was literally double checking that she wasn't talking about trump- insane. "First Lady Melania Trump slams Democrats: "Children watching and learning about politics in our country deserve a better display of political responsibility." Yes, be best. Yeah, I can get behind that as long as you include with the branding this:
  20. Whoa, then USA is doing terrible- they have over 3x more per capita than we do.
  21. I think that is okay- he is the potus, it's not like he is going to fly economy. He should though... he should. Other POTUS have done so as well when seeking reelection. What is completely not correct is using Airforce or any trappings of the office as a fjckong prop in his campaign- that is wrong and a violation of the Hatch Act... but with so much of presidential norms- he just ridicules or ignores it.
  22. Wow. That is a lot of money being pumped into states that were once Republican strongholds... Thats awesome that these states are now in play. And man... Old man money bags Bloomberg is really coming through for The Democratic party- i will now eat crow.
  23. 144 cases in Winnipeg... well, looks like we are headed in the WRONG direction.
  24. If there is one thing the voters of USA need to do, is this: When you put your foot on the GOPs throat, just keep squeezing.
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