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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I was going to out this in the covid19 thread... but had to put it in here instead, because of the continuing politicalization of covid 19bi the states. What is really disconcerting and very telling about the sad state of affairs in the states in regards to covid and one of the driving factors of how poorly they are handling it is that number, 40. 40% of those polled believe the information that trump spouts out of his pie hole... 40%! Sheesh.
  2. Oh wow. I didn't know that, can you shoot me a link please.
  3. I think this is a good place to put this.
  4. Very telling graph here: If you look at the other POTUS' they all start off their mandates lower than when they leave office. 45 though... inherited a strong economy and just tanked the Budget deficit- like "off a cliff into an abyss" tanked. If Biden gets in- the GOP better shut the **** up about budget deficits... hell they better shut up about all things they were silent and complicit about with 45... that leaves 46 with a lot of room to maneuver.
  5. Solid thread on the "hunter Biden laptop" russia ops.
  6. What in the absolute **** is going on here? This absolutely disgusting, this is even surprising from this administration... less than two weeks after a plot to kidnap her, put her on trial, and then execute her were foiled... the trump war room goes and does this... it's almost like they are trying to get her killed... wtf? And sadly- most of the GOP will be silently complicit. again. Burn them all- they stand for nothing.
  7. Good to see this: They need get more reoresentation at the state level to enact real change when it comes to voting rights. If the Democratic Party wins all three branches- they need to make election day a national holiday. Edit: weird, by the reactions to this post- there are people against increased voter rights. Odd.
  8. Yup- season 2 is all done, you can binge season 2 now. Trailer for season Two hidden below.
  9. Just Finished watching the boys. Solid series.
  10. Spot on: I hope history will be unforgiving and unforgetting for all those complicit people that enabled this ******* monster.
  11. "Hubris and science are incompatible." -Douglas Preston
  12. I saw that a few days ago- my son was over the moon when I showed him. If you get a chance, they have a video on how they made it... it's pretty awesome.
  13. It's amazing, he always give away his plans... always. I'm guessing it's going to be one of those countries that doesn't have a extradition pact with the USA....
  14. Saw ST:Disco S03E01 last night. I enjoyed it. I think this seasons going to be pretty good. The future tech looks futuristic for Star Trek... but 1000 years in the future "futuristic".... I don't think so. Regardless, I enjoyed it and look forward to the next episode.
  15. This thread sums up how batshit crazy this story is. It is insane the mental gymnastics these people out themselves through to validate this ****... it's insane.
  16. Oh ****, sorry to hear that. Hope you and the others are safe.
  17. For those missing the clown show- here is a thread that has highlights: Huh, when did Jimmy Dore start peddling in Russian misinformation campaigns? Laptop- classic Russian ops, circa 2017 in France.
  18. "Lies travel six times faster than the truth." There is truth to this. I thought this was the best place to post this article. It is trumps mantra of "fake news", his use of lies and distortions of reality and has been used mostly for politicalization and division. Solid read about an actual study from MIT on fake news. here is a link to the actual study : https://science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6380/1146 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6380/1146
  19. Thanks for the update. I just wanted to add the breakdown:
  20. Two men in their 40's now dead... one with underlying conditions and one with out... it's funny how you get a lot more antsy when your demographic starts dying...
  21. Sen. Whitehouse is absolutely right in this. Unfortunately, the GOP has time and time again shown no remorse, honor, morals, nor sense of fairness. The GOP has routinely shown to embrace hypocrisy and dishonor in the pursuit of power.
  22. Initially I agreed with this assessment... But I think upon further review, Biden will tilt more left in a lot of his policies. I think the Biden campaign is not promoting a more progressive agenda before the election to tamp out any accusations of socialism and all that ****. Not Bernie Left, but more "right of Elizabeth Warren progressive". Regardless- it will be refreshing to get competent people in key positions again.... There is a lot to criticize on Obama. Ramping up the Drone Strike program. Handling of Flint water crisis. Mishandling of the ACA roll out SLow walking on Judicial nominees- then republicans took the senate and house and made it nearly impossible... Failure to crack down on Wall street. Don't get me wrong- he was probably the best POTUS of my life time, but still very imperfect.
  23. The belief that Russia is a hoax perpetrated by the democratic elite to sow discord and have a enemy to hate and draw from, or something like that. It's a common talking point and belief among... the left of the left... the anti-establishment progressives. Glenn Greenwald and his ilk... Kyle Kushnik and so forth...
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