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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. I wasn't sure where this goes... part Covid, part Political...
  2. Which is kind of ****** up... you'd think that an impeachment would have a higher standard of... regulations than regular state criminal court... But, as we saw with co-conspirators being members of the jury and the jury openly coordinating with the defense... well what ever... I wash my hands of this.
  3. Welp, they deserve what they get. Apparently there is no bridge too far for these cowards. Insurrection and a failed coup? **** it.
  4. They just lost the 2022 midterms... and they deserve it.
  5. Wait... what? No witnesses? Epic Democratic cave... So what happened to defending the democratic republic and all that jazz? Weak-assed democrats never willing to fight for anything... gutless slugs...how are they different from the Republicans who just want to sweep this away?
  6. Agreed, he is all about the faux outrage.
  7. Here is a clip... its pretty cringe...
  8. Looks like there is bipartisan support for witnesses...
  9. They could put a ******* potato on the podium stare at it for 1 hour... and would still ******* acquit cheetolini All those people say that they are cowards are dead wrong, these gross shameless husks of perverse meatsacks are shameless and brazen to the point they don't give a **** about optics or laws... because there is no accountability for any of their indiscretions, no matter how grievous or heinous they are... the USA is truly ******... once trump 2.0 rolls in... that "cherished" democratic republic is gone... the sad thing is... there is 46% of that population that doesn't give a ****. God I hope I'm wrong.
  10. Nice little Q&A about what happened to our vaccine supply chain and why don't we have domestic manufacturing yet, and other questions... https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/joanne-langley-task-force-covid-coronavirus-vaccine-1.5910452
  11. I don't know about T-shirts... but that baby is going into my signature.
  12. Yeah, I had to explain that to my son last night. Still blows my mind...
  13. Is it just me or is it stupid to hang around an indoor public space for anywhere between 30mins to an hour, where a group of maskless people are just 8 feet away from another maskless group who are also themselves 8 feet away from another maskless group? All the while have a person going back and forth from each group? Then why dafuq are they opening up indoor dining?
  14. Sorry can't hear you over the Entrance of the Grey Cup Champions!
  15. Seriously, who cares- we are Grey Cup champs, it really doesn't matter how we go there. Dominant all season? Dominant for just one game? Dominant for three... it doesn't matter- The Blue Bombers are the reigning Grey Cup Champs... that is all that matters. GREY CUP CHAMPS!!!
  16. Your Honour... I can assure you, I am not a cat...
  17. They should make the removal vote secret. I bet you'd get the 17 GQP votes.
  18. Alt-Right mouth piece by proxy then? And no one is callng you out for being an Alt-Right mouth piece because you criticize Trudeau, it's because of your lengthy history of sharing those view points by the articles you post and viewpoints you highlight and those that you refuse to acknowledge. And the feigned ignorance of "oh ho ho, you people are intolerant little snowflakes in capable of over coming your confirmation bias, your cognitive dissonance, and your sexual identity politics and blahblablahbobloblawslawblog..." is pretty rich and disingenuous - it's simply more of "man, I am tired of your constant inelegant trolling- gtfo here." There you go, some more oxygen for you.
  19. Wow, this is a really good graphic showing the mob movement on 1/06
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