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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. My favorite character from police academy
  2. I often wonder how well renewables would work and how cost efficient they would be if they had the same tax benefits and subsidies as their fossil fuel counterparts enjoy.
  3. Heh. The Infamous Mike Hunt. The 15 year old in me is laughing so hard, he's crying.
  4. Oh ****, some better tell him about guns.
  5. WHat in hell is going on here? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-phantom-bills-ruling-1.5946634 They can introduce and vote on bills without anyone other than the PCs ever seeing them? dafuq is going on? Wait- it's the NDP's fault.... JFC.... Are they stupid? do they think everyone is stupid? NDP need new leadership, the Liberal's need a... provincial party- the PCs need to ******* crash and burn.
  6. Amount of tests performed have gone up too. over 2100 test yesterday and 1928 of them on Tuesday... up from 1,200 and 1,400 from the days before that...
  7. Damn... So... some monster can just drive up slowly into a bunch of protesters, start instigating a riot through what ever means, it turns ugly and they just drive through anyone in the way... Yeah, this legislation is sound and reasonable.
  8. ***** is straight out trolling at this point...
  9. SHe will be forever known as: Lauren Qbert. If you fact check her... it gets pretty cringe and unbearable:
  10. Yeah, he got cut. This is just his long game to get revenge and destroy the league that spurned him!
  11. Wait... what? I thought 13 new cases identified, but from older positive test that they retroactively went back to test.
  12. ******* 1/2 ply bullshit... Fingers ALWAYS punching through!
  13. Wow, what a gem- love Katie Porter. Its amazing when you have a politician that knows what they are talking about and has the courage to hold these execs accountable.
  14. I mean the SNC lavalin stuff was corrupt AF, but I think Harper did a lot more and didn't get caught due to his iron grip on his party... the F35 fiasco that ended in a proroguing of parliament.
  15. I haven't been really plugged into Canadian politics the last little while. Can someone point me to where this current government is corrupt AF?
  16. SO... this is a thing. Dafuq is wrong with these parents?
  17. Wow, another 20 yr old girl, thats two this week.
  18. Yeah, me too. The questions and the way these two asked asked them, you'd think something is up...
  19. I thought my kids were the only ones who did this.
  20. Well, that seems to be a solid work around Ronanon's obstructionism. EDIT: Here is the moment when Ronanon's obstructionism gets slapped aside..... LOL: "Is there objection?" and without missing a beat, "there is no objection..."
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