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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Maybe, but I am not sure what his position is on a lot of the progressive policies- so, as much as I dig how good of a politician he is, I am willing to wait to see what he stands for.
  2. Damn, Pete's so good at taking apart these bad faith gotcha GOP talking points...
  3. I feel my spotify Playlist, set at random is trying to break their algorithm: Just like Heaven -the Cure One - Metallica Benadryl- Sofi Tukker Save your tears- the weeknd The Devil Went down to Georgia- Charlie Daniels Reckoner- Radiohead. The piano has been drinking - Tom Waits.
  4. Politics I guess... yeah- it goes here: Oh wow, Pizzagaetz just got real:
  5. Here is another take on pizzagaetz
  6. Oh Boy... another shoe dropped in the pizzaGaetz saga... they (the NYT) have receipts from the prostitutes.... You can't even make this **** up...
  7. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-covid-19-update-1.5972753
  8. A little bit more back story to who #pizzagaetz is I didn't know much of his past... but yeah, it fits.
  9. Cuz, mandatory stay at government sanctioned hotel for people coming in to Canada 🇨🇦 that test positive for Covid.
  10. So... ****** carlson is angry with us and compared us to Russian gulag. His concern trolling is transparent like saran wrap. I love the first pic of Trudeau- its shameful for both JT and FC.
  11. cool little video explaining the covid "arms race"
  12. When I first saw this: I was like, "That's curious..." then I saw this: And now it make total sense... Huh, who would have thought- pizza-gaetz. -I'll show myself out.... I am not even surprised by this... Reading what he's being charged with... Gaetz would have been one of my top three guesses....
  13. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/covid-19-update-manitoba-march-30-1.5969661
  14. Racist McBigot here, using racism to prove there is no racism... <insert Chef's Kiss> No wonder he his the white supremacists model. This a very good take away- "because they (stormfront founder) feel he is making the white nationalist talking points better then they have."
  15. Yeah, it was pretty sincere... here is the video:
  16. Well, you guys certainly deserve it.
  17. Didn't see anyone post today's update, so I thought I would post some updates: Bartley's got the goods- click on the tweet for the thread- it's pretty comprehensive. CBC update: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-covid19-update-brent-roussin-1.5968088
  18. In yesterday's episode of "Fox, Manufacturing Outrage: Culture War Edition"... Love the fact the weather guy had to correct Hegseth in such a "Matter of Fact" way.
  19. My biggest beef with the CWB is lack of transparency- they refused to open up their books to the stake holders, and I feel that was a huge mistake. The producers were footing the bill and were not allowed to see how it was being spent. It was a great equalizer, but needed an over haul in the way they treated the stakeholders. But the way the cons went about it...
  20. The Wheat Board was effective because it was a monopoly. The cons used legislation to break the monopoly, thus ending the WB. The plebiscite was a farce. Conservatives didn't abolish the WB, they broke it. In turn it became unsustainable and thus was sold off. The Cons were 100% the reason for the WB breaking up. They brought in Ian WHite for a reason.
  21. Holy mother of **** balls... during this entire pandemic- for this last year, I have not heard news or reports that frightened me, concerned sure- frightened? Never. Until now... this is pretty scary- this newer P1 variant out of Brazil... here is a thread: The most concerning part of this, BC: Damn... 2 to 2.5 TIMES more contagious Chance of reinfection for those who already had the "wild" Covid19 strain... many more people aged 20 to 30 dying
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