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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Call 1-855-WNA-BFNB They can make one up for you in a jiffy.
  2. Huh... I htought the lions got an O-line in the off season, looks like I was wrong.
  3. What has been seen... can not be unseen.... I hate you. 🤣
  4. Thanks for that- I just finished wiping coffee off my screen....
  5. To be fair though... the 2019 Grey Cup run was WOn on the shoulders of that dominant D, not because of Lapo's offensive playcalling. To Be more fair though... it's because of the DOMINANT D and the team, in all phases, were playing complimentary football.
  6. Not really- it's the logical next leg of his course. He's moving the Overton window to right in trying to normalize authoritarianism. That's where the frozen fish dinner heir wants to take this... sees the road laid out by trump, the inability/unwillingness to hold those accountable in subverting democracy and thinks he can be the orban of 'murica. It's the american dream v2.4
  7. Yeah, I did nazi that coming... .... I'll show myself out.
  8. Seriously, WTF is the reason for lifting the mask mandate? What is the compelling reason those ******* people think that trumps science, good morals, competent governance and oh... I don't know- not ******* KILLING people. ******* assholes the lot of them.
  9. Pretty cool thread on how nasal sprays could be the answer to Delta:
  10. It's sad that I have to struggle with where to put this... is it Covid or Political... that really shouldn't be the case... Regardless, here is an EXCELLENT article about antivaxxers distilled into what Kyle highlighted...
  11. Ah yes, truly only the best and brightest for the GQP... BRUH, do even socialism?
  12. More from Bartley Kives: Manitoba #COVID19 patients in hospital: 93 (down 9) In ICU: 25 (down 4) - This is really good news! Manitoba recorded another 11,745 #COVID19 vaccine doses. Manitobans with 1 shot: 953,041 Proportion of Manitobans 12 and up with 1 shot: 79.5% (Sept. 6 target 80%) Two shots: 825,012 Proportion with 2 shots: 69.3% (Sept. 6 target 75%) Manitobans aged 12 and up: ~1,189,903 Looking really good here Manitoba!
  13. Uhg.... Finally Gee, I wonder what took so long.
  14. regarding the Alberta Government and "everyone has the right to security of the person" "We don't have time to go through a Charter challenge to say don't kill me." That is really, quite insane.
  15. Oof, so thirsty for those crazies' votes.
  16. Facebook just murdered irony.
  17. Because of your avatar... I read all your posts in Dwight Kurt Schrute III's voice- it's funny AF. Thank you for that- this makes my week.
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