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Everything posted by BomberBall

  1. Chungh not practicing today, according to Penton.
  2. I like those lines. I don't see Stafford out of the lineup, just yet, but he's been sleep walking thus far, so I agree, we don't need him. I think I'd switch Dano and Armia... Armia deserves a shot at the 3rd line.
  3. I don't like Stafford getting top 6 ice, but at least he has a scoring pedigree, so I guess, I understand him being on the PP. Lowry?? It makes absolutely no sense for him to ever see a PP second. I feel bad for Armia having to play on his line. He sets Lowry up constantly and he can't cash in. I really believe Copp would be a much better option over Lowry.
  4. I think, at worst, you have to send them both to the box. The Leaf (Matthews?) clearly had his stick across the midsection of Matthias. Should be a call every time.
  5. I know it's not going to happen, but I'd rather see Copp playing center, over Burmi.
  6. Agreed. Especially the part in bold. Stafford was terrible last night.
  7. Planning for it? No. Predicting it? Probably.
  8. Never said it was part of the plan. Nor did I say we would get a better player back in a trade. Although, it could happen. Like you say, you cannot predict the future.
  9. As mentioned above, Trouba is the only drafted player, that has requested a trade. How does that throw off the whole plan? We could very well get a nice return, in a trade, for Trouba, that could actually accelerate our progression. I just don't see how one issue destroys the draft and develop philosophy.
  10. Maybe you see more Rider stuff outside of the country because their fans only own a couple of shirts and they're both green?
  11. Yes, I assumed everyone noticed Leggett's tackle... It was tongue in cheek, which is why I added the emoji - It was a fairly big play in the game.
  12. Sure would be nice to have both of them in the lineup. Burnett has played pretty well for Wild, but not having Leggett, would be a big hole. Anyone see that tackle he made on Saturday?
  13. Although I'd be more happy if we were putting up TD's.
  14. Apparently Hazelton is going to sign with the Esks. One down.....
  15. Are you sure about that? Harris was practicing with the 2nd team today and reports are, that he still doesn't look to be at top speed.
  16. I'd like to see him get a shot on D. He's a pretty explosive dude. But I like Cole as well, so if he's good to go, cool... But if he's still not practicing, you have to wonder how healthy he is.
  17. Looks like Cole missed practice again today. Who's the Nebraska guy we picked up? Martin? Does he get a shot in the rotation this week?
  18. How in the hell did Richards get hurt? Again.
  19. Darrin Bauming @DarrinBauming Gerrard Sheppard and Quincy McDuffie are the only two new injuries amongst #Bomber players that look to be longer-term.
  20. Darrin Bauming @DarrinBauming Also non-participants: Dressler, McDuffie, Smith, Sheppard, Cole, Cummings, Corney, Bass, Wild, and Macho Harris. #Bombers Wow. I hope some of these are just maintenance days.
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