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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. That's weird, I thought they could not send him to the Moose. So Peluso is the coach's dozen.
  2. Yeah its too bad the cut line is not end of October.
  3. MOS is kind of in a tough situation. If we don't make the playoffs next year or if he takes us to the Grey Cup he's still going to get fired
  4. Time to get the bandwagon up and running. Oh...umm...nevermind Maybe we can borrow Sask's.
  5. http://www.tsn.ca/on-eve-of-season-nhl-acknowledges-more-players-using-cocaine-1.372075 The National Hockey League, responding to what it says is a possible increased use of cocaine among its players, has kick-started talks with the NHL Players Association to add the drug and others like it to the list of banned substances for which the league regularly monitors.
  6. Tough decision though eh? Peluso fills the enforcer spot that you only want for, what, 30 games? Raffl is a far better player and can play every game and make the 4th line better. If Petan is on the 4th, doesnt Raffl-Copp-Petan sound decent? It does but then are we not talking about Peluso but Thorbun as odd-man out? He's 4th line RW.
  7. Never to early to start this thread. Puck drop 6 local. The game story so far... -Win and you're in. Lose and you're fired. -Jets play back to back games back to back to start season
  8. So really the only 2 players on the bubble by my count is Raffl and Peluso?
  9. Speaking of EDM why they not pick up Harrison?
  10. Month and a half to go. Maybe Randy Bachman was warming up at the arena.
  11. Petan has good amazing hands. Better then the other rookies but as the stats show that does not mean you're scoring bunches. Ehlers had a goal sure but it was kinda garbagey. Raffl zip. Not sure how they can do 2 way with Raffl based on what we've heard. Harrison on waivers now
  12. Lawless was overly-positive after the game. according to him everyone comes back next year minus MB/LH.
  13. Burmi played like a vet. Invisible at times because he knows he will make the team. Foolish? I think we can write off Lipon to the Moose. So that leaves Petan, Ehlers & Raffl. Darn it, I'd like to see them all here to start the season. It's quite an interesting conundrum. Raffle got 10 years experience on the others. Petan has got the hands and the fans want Ehlers Peluso...well if Thorburn did his job every night we would not need him. Postma's play the last couple of tc games has put him ahead of Pardy I think but Harrison ahead of Postma. Speaking of Harrison I might be wrong but when he plays the Jets have a pretty good winning percentage. Just throwing that out there. Just my thoughts.
  14. Exactly. Moore, Adams, Denmark, Kohlert. They're not bad, spread the pass around.
  15. Could MOS have called a time out before EDM kicked the winning FG?
  16. I'm old enuf and seen enuf of these shootings to make the call that what 'merica needs is more guns! Okay i'm kidding about the more guns part but USA ain't gonna change. Their only solution is more security and more guns.
  17. Thank god we are finished with the debates. Still can't believe the PQ get invited to some. That peeves me off to no end.
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