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  2. I’m not going to beat a dead horse but this is fully on the coaching staff and their approach to this season.
  3. Turned out Als only need 1 receiver (Philpot) to beat us. If that what gonna be our O, D and ST, it's going to be a long season.
  4. I’d rather listen to that than another call from “Gail”
  5. I feel like they’ll turn it around this season, at least somewhat but I’m pretty sure they’ll get porked again in Ottawa too. The first 3-4 games are gonna be ugly imo. I’m afraid for next year is what I am. This all hinges on Strev, or someone else long-term now.
  6. No, you weren’t due, you’ve had enough. We’re still relatively wayyyy behind in the **** sandwich/steak dinner scale as Bomber fans.
  7. As if seeing Faj beat us in the big game wasn't a **** sandwich for the ages!
  8. I will say.... Sometimes you have to eat a **** sandwich to appreciate the little things in life. I haven't seen a loss at Fort Hew in a LOOOOOOONG time. I was due.... I've seen the past two Banjo Bowls and Home Openers and Playoff games. I was due for a **** sandwich. **** me right?
  9. Oh sorry, I had seasons in 2013 and 2015 so point remains lol
  10. Agreed, that gave some hope to hear he acknowledged a problem that many others could clearly see.... but then he also said that Collaros didn't need any preseason time.
  11. Odd that it would make you laugh.... But whatever cranks your tractor, cowboy...
  12. And I’ll give him due credit for that. No one likes admitting they didn’t do a good job.
  13. Picturing Noeller peering through the windows of a shuttered Stone Angel just made me chuckle to myself. The city and the Bombers Charlie Browned you! Edited to add I have a morbid sense of humour. It sucks when the places you love close down.
  14. Doug Brown is the only media guy in town who doesn’t fluff away questions or give easy outs. I wish he hosted the coaches show.
  15. Sometimes I am convinced Osh does certain things not because he thinks they are better but because he doesn't like doing what everyone thinks he should.
  16. hahah....he definately scuffling for answers but you can totally tell its an "ooops" I screwed up admittance......
  17. OMFG....Osh actually admitted that maybe they were not really prepared or ready....did a light turn on...or did Wade/walters have a lil chat??
  18. 1. Collaros. They messed up and it could cost us the whole run. Should have kept the guy they developed. That’s why you develop them ffs. 2. Mitchell- In the vein of the great Kelvin McKnight, earned a job by doing absolutely nothing. 3. Osh- Team was 100% unprepared. Worst season opener of his coaching career by far. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve seen at least 5 games off the top of my head that were much worse. The 2009 banjo bowl for one.
  19. I fear this regression is what we're going to be stuck with -- that we caught lightning in a bottle for a few seasons but that wore off. He's no threat with his legs, doesn't have a quick release, and now his accuracy is shot. Something needs to improve or we're hooped. Yeah me too. I think Brown is / is going to be the real deal.
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