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  2. that's the fun part about power rankings... it doesn't matter the record... it's all about how each team played/looked... if the Bombers fought back in the second half to only lose by a few points... you could easily make the case for them in the top 4
  3. Rose's feelings being hurt is irrelevant ... the reason he should've been rostered is because Biggie had no business being out there (I know, hot take! this is definitely the first time that's been mentioned)...
  4. You just can't expect mid 30s guys to carry the team like they did when they were early 30s. Just not going to happen, and until oshea realizes that and builds his roster around that we will be playing on hard mode.
  5. If by a big part of your cap hit you mean 4th or 5th highest on offence, and less than the last two ol we lost to free agency, you should re evaluate your position. 3 of the highest paid wrs in the league are here who average about 15k more than Brady. We have guys at other positions like wj earning comparable money. To say Brady’s deal is a mistake is silly. Too much old money, not enough young talent.
  6. If Smith wasn't hurt, and on roster...now way in hell would Osh have flipped the ratio there...never....taking a "canadian" starter spot off the depth chart not in his DNA....he will put one in place of an injured American before going the other way evertime tho...even if they are far inferior to who got hurt, as well as any import "backup" we have on roster, or PR...as they are all #1's anyway according to him...or wouldnt be here...which is a joke in itself
  7. the issue I have with the roster is two fold... and yes I know this has already been beaten to death in the last two hours but I want to join in... RB is a concern... Augustine is given the start by default, not because he earned it... If Chris Smith hadn't got hurt and stayed around... would the team have switched (very easily, I might add) the ratio to start an American back?... I'm not totally convinced they would have... The DL is a concern... the biggest strength of our D in game 1 and pre-season was the front four, specifically when we played Fox/Woods in the middle... tomorrow night we're likely going to see 1 DL spot occupied but Jake and Schmek all night... and Haba and Willie gassed by the 3rd quarter... who though that was a good idea??
  8. Brady is on a rookie deal? To me, making running back as big a part of your cap picture as we have, isn't the best use of resources. While I love Brady, I wasn't going to be too disappointed if another team overpaid for him because I think we could have better used that money elsewhere.
  9. He’s on a rookie ni scale deal lol. In time id love to see a 21 form set with clercius and mci as tes at some point. If both those guys run routes who do you have cover them? If they block do you have dbs try to beat the block?
  10. Well. This site has quickly become the extra point with 4 ppl just taking over.
  11. Yeah he’s gonna be scary good. Forget being able to have him and Brady on the field together or being able to reduce the load on Brady to extend his career, dude has the whole package.
  12. he gives us way more right now than the waste we had there last yr....Ratio alone......and he has to be respected coming out of the backfield...regardless if has has proven anything yet or not...
  13. Definitely expect heavy sets and 40 plus passing attempts. I especially expect to see more screens, the pa roll out crosser and other high percentage passes.
  14. once he is coached up...a 6'-2" 225lb+ back who runs a 4.5 40 yard dash....once he puts it all together.....
  15. You aren’t investing in the position, it’s the passport, athlete and soft skills that’s being invested in. You have to invest in every ni prospect. We virtually never see guys come from good d1 programs, with the type of resume an imp would have, and no nfl experience. Investing time and coaching is far better than more cap space as well.
  16. I think we’re going to see a lot of Feltmate and Clercius tomorrow.
  17. Yep. He has the right work ethic, desire, character and football iq. He needs a lot of coaching in terms of his running position, angles and reading the play. Even Brady needed a good bit of time, work and adjustments to be what he is today. Lots of people were ready to toss him away for Augustine not that long ago. No position is a turn key instant starter for an ni.
  18. Yes. That’s a microcosm of everything that bugs me about Osh.
  19. I agree, he may get there, but to expect a raw rookie to step in .. pick up protections and help give Zach a clean pocket (or a reliable outlet) is expecting too much and simply philosophically, I don't feel RB is a position *any* team should invest heavily in - especially in the CFL.
  20. I agree tho...MCI will be fine....right coaching...res...experience.....not worried there, but he's not the back-up RB yet...but his physical skills and body type can't be ignored...he will get there
  21. Rb is less easy here as well, due to the reads required in our tight zone scheme, the blocking demands and the ability to pass catch. Plus as we saw in week 1, the exchange alone in an option offence isn’t easy for the rb.
  22. This tells me all I need about you. There's a reason so many backs wash out of professional football (or are reduced to being just an early down thumper) .. they can't pass protect to save their lives. The CFL, by it's nature, puts a premium on backs who are multi-dimensional. Chris-Ike hasn't demonstrated that here. Augustine has never really demonstrated that here. There's a reason why Harris played over Brady .. and a reason why Brady earned the role over Augustine later.
  23. It’s easy because the market is saturated with high talent guys and rbs generally aren’t converted position guys. Ike has about 100 college carries and under 500 rush yards despite his years down south. That isn’t plug and play as we well saw in pre season. That’s not how blocking assignments work at rb. That’s how they work at the line. RBs have to read the pressure on both sides, evaluate who has the fastest path, which isn’t automatically the inside guy, pick up a block and half the time here block and release. Augustine still can’t do it, neither can stanback. Spending time as a back up doesn’t earn you a starting job. Karamoko has been here longer than most of the rest of the dbs. Augustine can run, but isn’t able to push the pile and grind out yards which is what our offence needs, and can’t pass pro which is as important. No ones mad about Kevens being on the roster, he had 600 yards in almost 40 games of college ball. He isn’t a top threat but he doesn’t need to be for his role here. Or to slide woli over and play wolis role.
  24. Today
  25. and boundary corner..then safety are probablythe easiest to learn...not RB Clericus is a stud as well...and would have preferrred we used him as 5th guy....and eliminated the need for canadian depth on dline...just the fact alone thathe scored as one of the highest in grip strength ...including lineman and linebackers is reason enough to give him the hance to be a solid possesion guy and not a fumble risk....all you want in a 5th guy
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