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  3. Every bomber fan knows that the offence of any team in the CFL takes longer to develop than the defence. The linemen and the blockers behind them need to know what's happening immediately beside them, how to adapt to their fellow teammates. The running backs need to know where the holes are going to emerge. The blocking schemes on passing plays have similar challenges. You can't learn this in practices... The Bomber Brain Trust decided player evaluation for the few positions that were open was far more important than getting the veterans in harmony with each other. So we have major rust to deal with, more so than usual this season. There has been such a major talent improvement on our defence that just maybe we can shut down what was a very hot offence in Montréal at the end of last season. On offence Brady Olivera is going to need a lot of determination as he tries to guess where the holes will be as his O line feel each other out. He's pretty good at seeing what is developing. If he gets 50 yards of rushing that would be pretty good. I'm not sure how open he will be on checkoff plays and other swing passes. Collaros is going to get sacked a lot on many missed assignments. But he can scramble and is very good at it. He loves the long bomb and we can only guess how many touchdowns he will throw. That's how the offence is going to score, I suspect. What I think will make or break the game tomorrow is how many touchdowns the defence can supply on turnovers. Maybe one pick six and one or two forced fumbles. There is a real chance pressures on the quarterback will be up significantly this year. How else can we win this game?
  4. Quarterback questions for 2024: BLM returns to Calgary: is he washed up or is he finally injury free? Has he had to change his throwing motion? Can he still scramble? Does he have all the CFL savvy he used to have or is his confidence shaken? Do the Stampeders have a competent quarterback this year? Will Cam Dukes in Toronto become the real thing? Will Kelly ever played another game in the CFL? Was Bethel Thompson now in Edmonton ever the real thing? Can Vernon Adams carry the Lions? How many more new quarterbacks will be brought in this year by the Saskatchewan Roughriders? Can Brown in Ottawa adapt to a whole new culture and completely different blocking schemes? Or do we see yet another quarterback controversy? Does y Michael Fajardo still have a hot hand to go with his offence? How many downs per game can we expect out of Chris Sreveler this year here in Winnipeg?
  5. Ready to run through a wall for Knuckles. **** it is good to be home...
  6. ONE OF THE MONITORS changed the title of the original title to the ABOVE
  7. Who wants DeMelo? Who other then Winnipeg wants undersized D?
  8. Why do we have 2 regular season discusssion threads?
  9. Jesse Members 3.5k LocationWinnipeg Posted 3 hours ago I love smacking Randy when he’s down as much as the next guy, but there’s not much he can do here and he’s been very vocal that he doesn’t think Lemon should be able to play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well then, the hearing should take place within 2 weeks of the announcement the player has appealed. The way it is now, it could be months before it's done which makes the process more of a joke.
  10. We beat the Riders by 20 something points, final game of the season. Dr. Jeff proclaimed that this "Was what we were building towards" Next year we started 0-6.......and Jeff got canned.
  11. I haven't listened to the Coach's Show in years as I no longer live in Winnipeg but when Bob Irving did The Football Hotline with Jack Matheson. Jack would pull no punches with the problems the team was having. After a loss & the fandom bitching about lost opportunities to score on the field or the secondary being lit up... even questioning coaches calls, they'd get (usually a random middle aged woman) call in & say, "Don't be so hard on the boys. They tried their best so Jack you stop talking badly about them, now. They're our Bombers & we love them!!" I couldn't stand those calls as Irving would just let them rant for a minute then politely say goodnight...
  12. This is the thing about the CBA that shows me what kind of a disservice the CFLPA does for their members. They'll insist these ridiculous appeal clauses be part of the agreement yet they can't ever get more than (on average) a hundred grand increase per year in the salary cap. They think they do such a great job when the owners just say nope & the players back off. Yet, claim victory for dumbass things like this. Is it any wonder the cap barely keeps up with the coat of living? The owners will give them appeals on just about anything in the CBA but when it comes to meat & potato issues like money, they fail badly.
  13. Honestly people forget, i went to a Bomber game with Reinbold coaching ( i think it was against BC) and we actually WON the game and people swarmed the field like we won the Grey Cup! Now this season if we don't win 15 games AND the Cup it is a disaster...😄🤯
  14. Garbutt on the 6 game IR. Any chance we bring in another DE?
  15. Maybe for a player (D or F) of similar value who is looking for a change himself.
  16. Very good interview by Bauming.. Evan Holm…. Gives the impression of being Top notch young man.
  17. Really if you want another DE on the roster then one of the DTs comes off simple as that.
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