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  1. Past hour
  2. You need some lowered expectations. Probably going to be about 17 people if we win.
  3. That wouldn't surprise me. The Bombers are pretty responsive to their fans. They can reweld the signs. I expect them to make this right and take it as an oversight.
  4. Gonna be hearing a lot about that guy. A Dustin Byfuglien freak type player.
  5. Today
  6. There’s genuinely some surprises around the league … I’d be interested in Bennett for sure and McFadden from Toronto
  7. What are the Stamps going to do with 4 QB's on their AR and another on their PR, at this point don't think any are injured.
  8. We often seem to start out with the right guys to fill holes on the wrong end of the roster. we have no excuse for not having a dominant front in week 1. we could probably make 2 damn good starting front 6 line ups with the guys we have. Mcghee cutshank and a few others should’ve been sent packing before the game was over. If any thing, I’d rather vets go super easy in tc and play pre season. Not the other way around.
  9. Could be that. Generally you’d think if he kept his weight on and hadn’t gotten fat he’d be reasonably close but needing cardio. Maybe he got chunky though. These days those types of moderately to reasonably successful players don’t work out up here.
  10. He hasn’t played in four years, I’d imagine it would be a tough go for him to get back into game shape.
  11. Ten bucks he's penciled in as the starter...cause he was here last yr..and that's how Osh likes to roll But I agree...he showed nothing...don't see it...I also don't like the fact Tait keeps yammering on about starters not dressed/projected this yr and keeps saying Thomas...was he told that..gets that vibe from talking with Osh? None the less...it's a less than comforting comment constantly... We saw what I guy like Adam's and what he did without being in game shape yet..and terrorized the stamps...can just imagine a fat..and out of game shape Thomas in the middle..doing nothing...jogging and trotting up to the end of the play after its over...no explosion...athleticism...pursuit...hungry aggression...just a sickening foreshadowing but I bet we see it Thursday
  12. Lynch is a bit of a surprise. Wonder if he’s healthy or not able to make the adjustment.
  13. Titus Wall definitely would be worth a look...strange cut there
  14. Alouettes release former Riders receiver Tevin Jones, NFL vet Aaron Lynch amid final cuts https://3downnation.com/2024/06/01/alouettes-release-former-riders-receiver-tevin-jones-nfl-vet-aaron-lynch-amid-final-cuts/
  15. 100%. Brown was way worse and turned out much better. I really want to see both Grainger and Wilson develop for a while here. Titus wall id take over a bunch of guys in camp here
  16. hey, it's preseason on MBB too! It's appropriate that the rosters are a little wacky...
  17. Link to Stamps website: https://www.stampeders.com/2024/06/01/stampeders-deadline-transactions-2/
  18. Mcghee was awful. Both games. He can not earn a spot over some of the other guys.
  19. Wilson had more guys in his face than Lana Rhoades so not sure it’s fair to judge him. He hung in there tho and took a few shots.
  20. Exactly, I thought the Bomber's like lengthy DEs. He' definitely better, than Kongbo.
  21. Yup...and based on Browns first few apearances....he looked like he had no business being on a professional field..and he seems to have somewhat developed nicely...tho his litttle frame and really inexperience anywhere but here I see a tough yr, and him being pummled alot....not sure he will be able to withstand it
  22. Yesterday
  23. I mean it’s all about bounce back with young qbs. He toughed it out and I’m sure he will learn from it. He isn’t going any where and shouldn’t. I’d keep all 4 qbs. If they don’t progress mid season go looking for new rookies.
  24. People dogging on Wilson all of a sudden....showed rather well whe he played first game with more of a legit Oline...but last game's unit helped out no way really....Cant judge an annoint from one game much like you cant throw away after another
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