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  4. are they? cause it looks to me like the coach is putting all his chips in on his old vets that won in 2019 and 2021... where's the rebuild there? Do we really think O'Shea is going to willingly move on from these guys at this point? The problems are the same as they were last year and it's only getting worse as time marches on and these core guys get older. Yeah they won a **** load of games, but if you didn't see the cracks appearing last season and don't see the exact same mistakes being made again this season then I just don't know what to tell you. If we were doing a mini-rebuild one of the rookie american MLBs would have played while bighill was hurt, guys like thomas wouldn't be playing nearly so much, Willie Jefferson would be getting seriously limited reps... but that's not happening, the old farts are still being expected to be their younger selves.
  5. And yet we have managed to the grey cup 4 years in a row in the more difficult division. And the Argos were basically one and done. I don’t disagree that there’s been some poor decisions made at times regarding playing injured players in the cup and how many of x position to dress for x game. But that’s basically where the shortcomings of this organization ends. The team went to the grey cup 4 times and won 2 over the span of 5 years. Now they’re doing a mini rebuild while more than likely remaining competitive. Cry me a river. Who else is even going to the cup twice in a row these days?
  6. I also have a whole bunch of them lying around the side of my house 😂. Apparently some were used at the arena in Iles Des Chenes and they were getting rid of them. So my neighbour and I went out there and picked some up. Same idea - still haven't done anything with them
  7. A half truth at best! ......and hopefully you don't dig through the group chat..........
  8. Love it! Thanks for pointing this out. Exactly the type of content I've been looking for to get more in-depth analysis.
  9. I swear to God Lapo is talking to several posters here @ the 0:55 mark 😆 On a serious note- thanks for this @JuranBoldenRules, really appreciate this link.
  10. lol. For the record. She got it in 2023 lol. It’s not Covid 23.
  11. Zach lives and dies on the big play. He’s not a 10 play 90 yards guy. He’s a 3 play 90 yards guy. This is part of the problem in my opinion now that he’s getting older and has been hurt a bit. He’s starting to look shell shocked at times. I noticed that Last year. The deer in headlights look. Drew Willy had it. For the life of me I’ll never understand the QB who stands there oblivious to the 3 guys about to pounce him. Zach is likely to be carted off one of these games. I do think Montreal tho has a hell of a D tho and I’m not sure if buck can figure them out. This weeks game will be telling. If we get last week Zach uh oh, if we don’t, we beat a perennial loser Ottawa team. Is it kinda no win tomorrow? Lose ? This place gonna hand out ban hammers. Win? We beat Ottawa… well woopedidooo
  12. ZC has always been a downfield passer. And to be fair, they have provided him with receivers who do that well.
  13. I think it depended on the location honestly. Like closer to the field went for more. That’s a while ago now tho. Not sure what the demand would be today.
  14. That video makes me appreciate lapolice way more. I just learned things. I see Zach holding on to the ball lots also and kinda staring receivers down instead of taking the short stuff.
  15. I get the impression from that video that our dear centre got his ass handed to him Also learned more in 12 minutes than from a lifetime of Glenn Suitors
  16. True..and to be honest I have some concerns as well. I think where we differ is on how deep the problem is.
  17. Bit of a random question Does anyone remember what the old Canad Inns seats sold for when they were sold off prior to the stadium demo? I’ve got a set of two I always had plans for but just never got around to doing anything with, but I figure I may as well try and sell them now. Genuinely just no clue what they even went for in the first place.
  18. It’s not just 1 game now tho. It’s 2 years. That’s what I was told.
  19. I’d suspect depending on what they want to do, prob draft picks. Multiple. Like a dude from Manitoba wouldn’t waive. But why do ppl think isles would move pulock out. Why do ppl think Ehlers the playoff no show is gonna get some return like he’s a superstar draft picks my guess. A bunch of em.
  20. and who would we get back in return? Some draft picks? Scott Mayfield? Samuel Bolduc?
  21. Drug company Moderna says its combined flu and Covid vaccine, which targets the two diseases in a single shot, has passed a vital part of final-stage scientific checks. Would you like to know more?
  22. Humans May Be Able to Grow New Teeth Within Just 6 Years.
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