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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Thorburn on the ice on the 6 on 5. Ladd being back with little and wheeler after taking his dumb penalty. The lack of pp execution. The lack of pk execution. The same guys taking the same dumb penalties with no consequences. Actually being rewarded at times
  2. Reffing was bad but jets have a reputation for taking dumb penalties so they get no benefit. Here's a head scratcher tho. Thorburn on the ice on the 6 on 5. Ladd takes dumb penalty... rewarded by being reunited with little and wheeler. Myers dumb penalty. Plays his next shift. Sorry but that is poor coaching
  3. And just like that.... Domi to Doan and scores. Jets playing very good tho. If KBF never mentioned it... I'd still be able to see that Jets fans outnumber Coyotes fans. Lol @ the ref saying Phoenix penalty tho. Oops
  4. The rookies or first year players are good. They get no help tho. De Leo Petan Lipon line were exciting to watch. Fraser Cormier and Albert line were terrible. Gonna just add.... Helle and Comrie.... yup future goaltending won't be an issue with the Jets. Real dumpster fire tho in the D zone except when the D P L line and Morrissey were on the ice. That line and Morrissey really were quite impressive. Petan has 13 points in 15 games and is the best player on the team. Just an assist machine
  5. Just got back from the new years eve moose game vs the wild. 4 3 win. 13700 plus in attendance. Comrie is very good. 41 of 44 saves. Petan with 2 assists. Morrissey with a goal and assist. Gonna say petan De Leo Lipon Morrissey and Kostalek and Comrie are very good. Melchiori and MacWilliam are very bad
  6. Nope but Canada not very good
  7. Long term for Scheif and trouba. Bridge for Lowry. 1 years maybe 2 at most for the rest
  8. I wonder if they are thinking of going with 3 internationals on the line with Chungh and Goossen. There is always that possibility. Neufeld as the 6 th oline wouldn't be that bad since he can Play multiple spots
  9. Except it wasn't kane for myers. It was basically bogo for myers and kane for stafford (ufa at the time) armia Lemieux and a 1st (Roslovic)
  10. Goossen will replace him and was good when he played. Center spot is already upgraded
  11. Why. When hutch is cheaper and younger and doesn't suck as much as pav does. Pav isn't good. He's actually really bad.
  12. I'd be looking to move pav. He's had 5 6 years to prove he's below average. Hutch has had about a half season of average play in total.
  13. Hawerchuk was elite. Doan isn't. End of story
  14. Retain on Pavs salary and I think he's movable. Maybe as a throw in as part of a buff or enstrom deal.
  15. Vince and Roman were ok. Steph was way over the top tho.
  16. It's good because we don't have to pay him 200 000 to suck. It's really that simple. Money better spent elsewhere. Maybe give it a few months and if we only go in to camp with 5 or 6 guys signed then have it but it's not even Jan 1st yet
  17. Yup. For the franchise. Hawerchuk scored 379 goals as a Winnipeg Jet. Doan has now scored 379 goals for the same "franchise". Next goal, he breaks Hawerchuks franchise record of goals scored.
  18. Makes me laugh. The stupidity of some people
  19. 29 other teams and some with bigger problems than the Jets never picked up these guys either. What that does tell you really... Tells me, they aren't good enough.
  20. Can say what you want about Nichols but.... There is no doubt that he is 100000 percent better than both Brohm and Marve combined. He may not be an elite starting QB but as a back-up, I can think of a ton of guys who are much worse than he is. And BTW, Edmonton didn't win games because of Franklin or Nichols for that matter, They won because of their D. Even when Reilly got back, he didn't exactly light it up, he did enough to win and with Edmonton's D, really, not much really needed to be done by the O. Don't turn the ball over really.
  21. The biggest difference in reality is not buff-trouba.... it's somebody else on the ice, probably the most important person on the ice. It's Helle. It's really that simple. When you win games 1-0 or 4-1 but give up over 30 shots each game, you aren't winning cuz your D is playing good, you are winning because your goalie is kind of standing on his head at times. Let's see the Jets do this against western conference teams and then I'll start to get a little more excited, beating eastern teams at home at MTS or on the road for that matter this year has not been a problem, they have a ridiculously good record vs the eastern conference.. It's actually one of the best in the league, top 5 i believe for sure. It's the western teams and their own central division that they are struggling against big time, You need to beat the teams in your own conference, specifically, your own division to have a chance. Jets haven't really done that yet.
  22. Let's hope Glenn Jacobs stays away from Buffalo... What's gonna happen when Carolina plays there? or will they be ok cuz they are the HurriCANES. I want to give Evander the benefit of the doubt but i don't know him, i'm not sure about him, he's one of those guys that... yeah i could see him doing this and thinking he can get away with it... I dunno, I sound awful but... it's really hard for me to think that Evander is completely innocent in all this, I'm not sure Patty Kane was innocent either, but.... who really knows. Evander tho, man the guy just has "creep" written all over him, from shirtless twitter profile pics to sending out "candy kanes" on his instagram... apparently (it's what i've heard, for some reason, he's blocked me on twitter and i don't know why exactly)
  23. Doan is a good guy, he's loyal and i understand some of his comments, he lives in phoenix, his family is there, he's had a long career... the fact is if this team never left winnipeg in the first place, it's likely Shane Doan is the captain of the current team that would be called the Jets. I can't blame the guy for a couple comments he made... cuz fact is, if i was a veteran of 17 years or whatever, maybe more.. and the team was possibly moving, i'd probably just retire 2. Why move my family for a year or 2. Makes no sense.
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