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Everything posted by AtlanticRiderFan

  1. 3 down nation says that he still writes for the Rider site.
  2. No, but his stuff should only be found on Rider sites, so you guys likely won't see much from him unless he shows up in your twitter feed or anything.
  3. Guess you guys won't be hearing much from him anymore after today, lol.
  4. My dad always uses that term, even now that we live in NB, lol.
  5. 16, and yeah, I don't know what it's like to feel hungover or anything. It's true that jerks are going to do their thing. I do feel though, that some people who drink too much don't understand what it might do to their actions,which is why they need to be careful. These rules probably are in place, but it doesn't seem like they are enforced very well. There probably isn't much that can be done, but I do hope that people like this are monitored closely. I don't go to bars at all. Most pubs here allow minors, that's why I go to them, but I go there for the food, not alcohol. I never went to pubs in Saskatoon; they almost never allowed minors.
  6. The consequences need to be higher. Long-term and permanent bans need to be handed out. The rules need to be harsh so people won't do these things in the first place. If alcohol is the problem, then monitor how much people are drinking. Refuse to sell drinks if anyone appears to be getting drunk. Or set a limit to how many drinks you can buy. Yes, this is variable with different people, but it's a start. It's impossible to guarantee with rules that nothing will happen, but it helps reduce cases like it.
  7. Not to be a troll, but this is not the first time something like this has happened. I'm not sure how some of you can deny the story. It has been acknowledged as a real problem that has to be fixed. This is not only bad for the team, but for the league as well. It will chase new fans away altogether. I appreciate what the team did to the boy. It was very generous, but they do need to ensure that something like this never happens again. This goes for all 9 teams. To those about to mention the Riders, we pelted unopened beer cans at a player once, so we're not innocent either.
  8. A vocal minority wants Durant gone. Most of us think he should be extended. As for the rumours lately about DD, most of us think they're false. I'm 100% done with Jones if DD gets traded. That will be the last straw. As it is, the team has been damaged from all the changes, fines, etc., all because of him. He's a fraud.
  9. Funny thing is, most of this stuff is all gone now. Somebody, probably the OP, nuked the GDT. Happened right after a fight breaking out after someone said they were done watching games for the season. Hopefully the mods still have the power to see some of what happened because there were some brats who needed bannings.
  10. Jones is a God among men. We should build a statue of him
  11. Check Kijiji. I saw a few tickets available there. Some of them are not cheap, though.
  12. This is what we call "Rider Math". Always happens sometime in the second half of the season when certain fans have outlandish hope .
  13. This, only for me, it's Denver. Although, I would be willing to support an Atlantic team if it came. Obviously, I would not cheer for them though, and I would NOT use them as a bandwagon for when the Riders play bad. But I do think that it would be great for the maritimes and for the league, and I would wish them success, and would probably try to make it to some games.
  14. Win, Loss, Win, Split with BC, Split with Ottawa 4-3 If my predictions are correct, this would mean an 11-7 record with a win today or a 10-8 record with a loss.
  15. Maybe whoever loses has to cheer for the Riders for one season. I'm thinking they'd rather be banned .
  16. Didn't even notice that you got banned over there, lol. Unless some of your posts were removed, I didn't see you really cross the line. RF is a zoo right now. I understand some of the frustration, but many of them are far overreacting. The league isn't doing as bad as they seem to think, although I am very concerned about BC and Toronto. The problems with the league are pretty simple. Limit the challenging and the flags down to what it was a few years ago, and we're good to go. If Orridge can fix that, I have no complaints.
  17. Riders fire Jones and rehire Chamblin. Riders lose 663-3, the three points being punt singles.
  18. One of the best games I've watched all year, despite the loss. To tell the truth, I was not impressed with the call, but there were many other variables that resulted in the loss, such as kicking and the TD earlier. Still lots of problems to work out, but I believe the Riders are starting to go on the right track. I think we got a decent shot at the Banjo Bowl, but it will be tough. Hope its an exciting game for all of us!
  19. Dressler and Smith are built for now, whereas Holley and Collins are built for the future. That's how I see it, although I could say this and both players get cut tomorrow morning. I don't trust Jones.
  20. True, but even when they were winning, their victories at Commonwealth were very limited. That has not changed.
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