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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. Botched hold on a FG cost them the win against Calgary. Bad gun snap on the 2 yard line cost them a TD last night. Costly penalties & turnovers. The Cats have a suicide tendency to do stupid things at critical times. Is that just bad luck or do some players have character issues that Austin has to weed out? This is happening too much for it just to be a coincidence or an isolated event. Some players choke under pressure. I don't think it's luck as much as it's being 'almost' good enough to win coupled with losing their first string QB and 3 starting O lineman plus others. LeFevour is getting better each game out, but that O line is still a big stinking pile. Hamilton is taking a bunch of dumb penalties. Some of that's on the coaching staff. Some on the players. Some on trying to do a little too much like getting one extra hit in. Some on backups getting beat and having to grab to survive. As the games are really close these mistakes are magnified much like the last couple of years in Bomberland. The Ti-Cats are also over emotional on the defencive side, perhaps an ill advised reflection of the character of their head coach. Numerous times they were jumping up and down screaming at the officials and eventually they were punished for these outbursts with unsportsman-like conduct penalties which diminished their chances of winning further.
  2. To be honest I've never seen a RB put up the kind of pathetic running stats Grigsby has in the last two games were he has basically Don't know if many of you go this far back but the Als used to have a RB named Steve Ferrughelli who played for 3 or 4 years back in the mid 70's that reminds me of Messam. This guy was an absolute beast and was a lock to gain 7 or 8 yards each time he carried the ball, even when the other team knew he was getting the ball they still couldn't stop him. Memory is a bit foggy but I believe he won at least 2 Grey Cups in the years when it was either the EE's or the Als contending for it every year.
  3. On a positive note the Bombers did well with their short yardage scheme last night, with Pontbriand and Fitzgerald pushing the pile. Even saw Vega come in on the "Big Team".
  4. Surprised that Wylie has not had a hand at upgrading the Intl. linemen, thought with his stature and connections the Bombers would have a plethora of new candidates to pick from. I see no evidence that he has sourced any Intl. linemen so far.
  5. Moore should be back this week, Denmark, Kelly and Moore is as good as it gets.
  6. I'd hope to god that isn't the case.
  7. Agreed. Based on what I've seen allowed in other games that completed pass should have been allowed. Play was reviewed and linesman's call was confirmed. Can't complain that he did his job. What's the rule actually, does anybody actually know the rule? Cuz if it's you can't have your legs over the line of scrimmage, then the play should have stood, If it's you can't release the ball from your hands over the line of scrimmage then they got it right. The other thing is.. not making excuses but floyd and gbill are correct in saying that play has been allowed several times in the past, even this year for that matter. Gotta actually know what the real definition of that rule is.. If legs can't be over the line, it should have stood, if the ball can't be, then they got it right probably.. however, it then becomes a silly rule cuz when you throw the ball, your hand will always be past your legs unless you are some freak or leaning forward quite a bit, almost in a criss angel walking down the side of a building way... According to Suitor it is the point that the ball leaves the QB's hand, so from that perspective they got it right. Makes more sense to me to focus on the forward foot from the last point it touches the ground, just like with a reception. Easier to verify too.
  8. Agreed. Based on what I've seen allowed in other games that completed pass should have been allowed. Play was reviewed and linesman's call was confirmed. Can't complain that he did his job.
  9. You're correct, it all rolled together to allow the RR to escape with 2 pts. Chamblin said it was the toughest victory he's ever pulled off.
  10. I believe they will each be different designs. The black jerseys BC had last year are apparently their version of this release. Who knows why they were released a year early. It's spelled R-E-V-E-N-U-E.
  11. Very good! Looks like Winnipeg has found a new Golden Boy.
  12. Messam did that? I must have missed it. Let's see. 23 points. 7 from an interception returned for a touchdown. 7 from a fumble returned for a touchdown. 3 from a fumble recovered at the 20, minimal advancement, turned into a field goal. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the first half. Messam had 0 carries in the first half. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the second half. Okay, Messam contributed to the scoring of 3 points. The oddest thing in all of this is it's still a Messam vs Volny debate for some people even though not one single person has ever argued that Volny is a better running back. Volny has 0 carries this season. Just like I had said he would have. The Bombers aren't using him as a running back. Just like I previously said they would not. He remains a role player, just like he always has. His position is listed as RB. It would be more accurate if it just said "Player". Your logic is teetering on the edge of ridiculous. It doesn't matter if it's Volny or any of the other "non-impact" Natls. the Bombers harbour, when they pass on an "impact" Natl. you have to question the policy. Burgess is correct Messam was the difference between winning and losing last night despite your argument that he only contributed to 3 pts. He killed the clock and wore out the BB defence when nothing else was working for the RR. If he's in the Bombers backfield last night they have the ability to grind down the clock with a one point lead and 2 minutes to play without putting the ball in the sky. Messam had a great game last night. Behind that line he might have many. We don't have that line. The logic is pretty simple. People want to argue that Messam is a better running back than Volny. I don't know what imaginary person they are arguing with. Volny is not our backup RB. Cotton is. Forget Volny already. Messam is a more valuable Natl. than most of the no-name Natls. the Bombers employ. Thus he easily could have been accommodated on the roster when the opportunity presented itself for future use and benefit of the team. When the next Natl. LB comes available are they going to pass on him because they're already "set" at linebacker. I hope not. They have to think long-term and acquire Natl. assets and not just focus on the needs of the moment.
  13. Might as well accept it, "ugly" is "in" and has been for awhile.
  14. Messam did that? I must have missed it. Let's see. 23 points. 7 from an interception returned for a touchdown. 7 from a fumble returned for a touchdown. 3 from a fumble recovered at the 20, minimal advancement, turned into a field goal. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the first half. Messam had 0 carries in the first half. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the second half. Okay, Messam contributed to the scoring of 3 points. The oddest thing in all of this is it's still a Messam vs Volny debate for some people even though not one single person has ever argued that Volny is a better running back. Volny has 0 carries this season. Just like I had said he would have. The Bombers aren't using him as a running back. Just like I previously said they would not. He remains a role player, just like he always has. His position is listed as RB. It would be more accurate if it just said "Player". Your logic is teetering on the edge of ridiculous. It doesn't matter if it's Volny or any of the other "non-impact" Natls. the Bombers harbour, when they pass on an "impact" Natl. you have to question the policy. Burgess is correct Messam was the difference between winning and losing last night despite your argument that he only contributed to 3 pts. He killed the clock and wore out the BB defence when nothing else was working for the RR. If he's in the Bombers backfield last night they have the ability to grind down the clock with a one point lead and 2 minutes to play without putting the ball in the sky.
  15. You're kidding, right? Okay. I'll gladly take Messam on this team. If we also get Saskatchewan's entire Oline with it. No one else see their backs running untouched 7 yards past the line of scrimmage, our guys getting hit 2 yards behind our line? Didn't see 5 guys in white and green running downhill and absolutely destroying our front 7? Ford, the guy we cut, gets 5 TDs in 5 quarters behind them? Allen, the guy they essentially benched after 2 weeks, still a top 5 rusher in the league? You think these are the achievements of the running backs? Okeydokey pokey. If you didn't notice Messam wasn't running untouched. Even when the Bombers knew he was carrying the ball every play he was getting 4-5 yards and sometimes 8-9 yards carrying players on his back. Sure their offencive line was a huge part of ithis success but Messam was the bull and the Bomber D. was the china shop. Jerome has found a home and he is going to be a huge change maker in the RR offence moving forward. He might have had a significant impact on the Bombers game as well and maybe Willy wouldn't have to throw the ball every time he needs to pick up more than 3 yards. I don't understand the logic of letting a player of that caliber go to a rival team when the Bombers Cdn. depth is so shallow. Throw Volny onto the practice roster if they really want to keep him, no other team is going to grab him. If Walters thought they were set at running back, it looks like he was wrong.
  16. Anyone want to make their case for not picking up Messam noooowww? Oh right, he doesn't play on special teams and invisible Volny does.
  17. Ha, you freak out about the fact that I don't think Washington is our second best DB and then call out the guy who is literally carrying this team. And I'm the negatron... good one. Willy had a 66% plus completion percentage until the last two minutes when we were trying to force the win. We wouldn't have been trying to force things without that fumble on the return. Besides those long hitch passes are classic MB... but enough with this 'Willy sucked' bullshit. This is the real head scratcher, the Bombers were in the lead when Willy threw that cross field pick-6 so he shouldn't have been trying to force anything at that point. Without a ground game he has fewer options to play conservatively so he went with a play he had used earlier in the game with success but this time he telegraphed it completely.
  18. Who would Matthews replace on the Bomber roster? Moore, Kelly or Denmark....I say, nay, nay, nay. If we did get him back he would be great trade bait to acquire Allen from Sask. though.
  19. Somebody has to take Woods aside and convince him not to be a pile driver. No other returner in the league subjects themselves to the kind of shots Woods takes and he brings it on himself by running headlong into the tacklers like a little ram. He didn't make it through last year with that style and I can't see him lasting this year either. He's a valuable component of the team and he'll be far more effective if he can stay healthy throughout the season.
  20. I think Woods may have needed a bit of recovery time from some of those head on hits he sustained tonight. That's the only reason I can think that Washington was in there. What happened to Stoudermire? Thought I saw his name on the depth chart.
  21. I like to start the night with a ceasar, not something you can go all night with. Caesar, ceasar, vodka red bull, vodka and sprite/sev/oj then a ceasar then a rock star vodka.. Then your primed and anything becomes the next option... Normally patrone or any other shootable stuff.. If I drank that kind of **** I'd end up floating face down in the lake and the lake is over 100 kms away!
  22. We can send the youtube footage out on the field if necessary. Still more likely to win then boltus I'll never forgive Marcel B. for his decision to continually use Boltus on short yardage when Goltz was sitting on the bench sulking. That decision was beyond stupid and is as much on Marcel as it is on Burke.
  23. It should be merged with the Whisky drinking discussion going on in the GDT thread, as dealing with BB losses is were we developed our expertise.
  24. So he pours his dirty finger water in his whiskey with no objections, but the first glassful is just trash, tainted by the invisible forces of whatever might have touched the glass? I object, that man does not have dirty fingers. Consider that he earns his living with his nose!
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