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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. They may be pulling a Ti-Cat move, hired as a "consultant" he won't be listed as staff and won't count under the coaching cap.
  2. Why do you think Mitchell signed as a backup? It clearly looks like he's the intended starter with Powell as his backup. Shiltz is going to receive a lot of attention in FA as one of the few experienced #2 QB's available, Arbuckle may prolong his career one more year by stepping into Dane Evans position as unwanted and unloved.
  3. Have you forgotten how far Brown has progressed since he became a Bomber in 2021? Most fans wanted to kick his ass through the goalposts after his first year.
  4. That's a bit dismissive, he was here for the extent of the 2022 TC and performed well in 2 pre-season games, unfortunately he had to compete against phenomenal rookie sensation Dalton Schoen who had the waggle down pat within days, that doesn't mean he was incapable of becoming a good receiver. He isn't the first talented player cut from TC due to numbers.
  5. 2022 training camp cut Lucky Jackson is now playing for the Vikes, if he hadn't run up against Schoen, he might be playing for the Bombers. New recruit Ontaria Wilson looks well worth developing.
  6. Can't pin that on Exume, he was second to Hallett for ST tackles with 17.
  7. Betcha Mike Miller steps into the role, he was all over it last season.
  8. I'm a bit surprised how anxious Biggie is to come back for another season, but I suspect he probably likes his football job more than his other job. Could see him eventually going into coaching.
  9. As it stands they still need 2 Natl. DT's to rotate, Lawson has probably moved ahead of Thomas as the starter and has already re-signed, it's what happens behind him that is in question. Don't agree Kyrie Wilson should be replaced by Cole, as I see Wilson as the eventual replacement for Bighill. Cole is better as a swiss army knife used in certain situations, Clements has a better handle on the WIL job and is an important player to re-sign.
  10. I don't know how you determine average, but if you plugged Harris into the Bomber offence I think he would be effective and win as many games as Zach does, it may look more like Nichols, but it could still work. He reads defences well and moves the ball quickly with accuracy, it's up to management to put the right pieces in place to complement his skill set and protect him. If he'd stayed in Mtl. this past season, it could well have been him raising the Cup instead of Fajardo, who is also probably considered an "average" QB.
  11. It's highly unlikely Walters is going to have the budget to go shopping in free agency to find seamless upgrades in many positions. The natural way to implement this is through recruitment and the draft, if solid replacements show they have the ability to progress, they move up to replace the established vets. For ex. Schmekel or Kornelson will replace Jake when they demonstrate they are better, or a cheaper alternative that will not detract from the D-lines overall effectiveness. O'Shea is not going to cut Thomas and plug in a deadbeat unless there is an advantage to be found.
  12. Best game of his career was in 2022 when Ti-Cats laid a licking on the Bombers 48-31, wasted potential. With his aversion to pressure I don't think he'll rise to the top of the coaching world, he'll find a safe place down South and sit there. Doubt we ever hear from him again.
  13. Wow, seems like a drastic course of action at age 30, figured he would eventually catch on as a #1 QB somewhere if he was patient.
  14. You have to assume Walters is already spending to the limits of the cap, so any savings or diversion of funds to others has to come out of existing players pockets. The vets you mentioned may no longer be the highest paid at their position, but at one time a few of them set the higher end of the pay scale, so they ain't playing for bargain wages. The cap has barely increased over the past 4 years, so extra money gets spread thinly among vets. like B.A. , Bailey and Woli. who deserve a slight bump for sticking with the program. Walters won't be asking underpaid vets. to take a paycut to accommodate another player making bling at the top end of their positional payscale.
  15. If it comes down to choosing between Brady and Schoen, I think management chooses Brady because he's going to cost less cap, provides them a ratio option, and has the hometown connection, which sells merchandise and tickets.
  16. A lower salary ceiling on global players seems pretty discriminatory, surprised CFL lawyers would allow that to proceed.
  17. Where would you suggest they start these rookies? The Bombers have largely avoided the scenario of starting rookies the past 4 seasons and have benefitted from that ability. Other than exceptional circumstances like Schoen and Jackson, rookies usually start their careers as backups and work their way onto the roster gradually. Starting numerous rookies in critical positions is trial by fire, and should be avoided whenever possible.
  18. Watched 6 episodes of The Bookie so far and it's hilarious, stars stand-up comedian Sebastian Maniscalco and has a number of famous guest appearances, Ray Romano, Charlie Sheen, Rob Coddry and Wayne Knight so far. Each episode is short but sweet at 22 mins. each, it doesn't take itself at all seriously, best laughs I've had from a TV series in a long time.
  19. He was and he also considered it not worth the time put in to continue playing for such a ridiculous wage. Luckily Walters stepped up and convinced him to come back.
  20. Another season as bad as last and Huff will fix his gaze on Dickenson as a problem to be resolved, so Davie-boy can't afford to hitch his wagon solely to an inefficient Maier. With their background of effective QB development I think Calgary would be an excellent landing spot for Brown. If they gave Maier a haircut and could accommodate them both for $600k, they could create a solid 1A-1B combo.
  21. They could have signed him a month ago, dilly-dally on the decision and more teams become interested. Calgary could even consider him as an improvement over Maier.
  22. This is turning out to be a great series, not a bad episode in the bunch, mixing in Malcolm X and Ali makes it all that much more interesting. Vincent D'Onofrio plays an excellent foil, he's got a bit of Brian Dennehy in him, both in looks and style.
  23. Can't understand why the RB's are not looking at MBT as a quick and easy replacement for their Masoli woes, take salary from one, give to the other. They could end up with a solid QB room with Crum and Adams behind MBT.
  24. The Elks can always rid themselves of Cornelius's contract by trading him, I don't know if that means the club that acquires him gets stuck with the guaranteed money, or if they can renegotiate it away. It has to be pretty evident from both sides he didn't earn his keep.
  25. Cody has the extra motivation of being hated by an entire province, it pushed him over the top.
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