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Everything posted by bb1

  1. Hmmm what if we win the cup next year in their barn? Now wouldn't that be funny??..Riderfans are you getting nervous?🤣🤣
  2. Does it seem fair that the league itself may try to pry McManus away ? We pay into the revenue and then we lose people? I know there is a price to winning a Grey Cup but this is a bit much i think.Hopefully the league is fair and poaches off other teams as well.
  3. Its funny what a Grey cup win will do a lot of posters were ready to hang Hall and Lapolice and even MOS this year now we wanna keep em all!!🤣 Don't worry i bitched too.... sure is nice this feeling of winning this Cup. Hopefully they all come back.😊
  4. No i believe that was Mike Kelly who cut Glenn and then signed Letwoandouts...Kelly was way ahead of his time..like way out.
  5. And yet Harris(qb) came out in full support of Mass,as an OC not HC i could see it here.
  6. Even a Rider fan would have trouble arguing with you on this one...🤣
  7. Great tv movie with Brian Dennehy....sorry a little off topic🙄
  8. Its too bad more of this type of information didn't come out. Unfortunately for Harris if you add up all the times we( the public) have been lied to over drug use there was no way he was going to get an impartial public review. As an athlete its not fair but life isn't fair. He won the Cup and if he was truly innocent in this, at least he has this to hold on to.
  9. If you look at the replays Hansen takes out 2 Ticats...incredible.
  10. Harris, MOS, Hall , Lapolice. We have been tough on our coaches ( not all of us relax..😊)so here is a shout out.
  11. First couple of years i was not sold on MOS at all. But now despite being a bit stubborn( what coach isn't) and maybe too loyal it is hard to miss the respect MOS has and the great job he has done this year. Win or lose the Grey Cup we need to keep MOS here.
  12. Yes i remember a Milton playing for us...good landing.😊
  13. Where did you land your plane?👍😊
  14. And you can add leaving Little with Laine and not breaking up Schief and Wheeler, but i grudgingly give Maurice props for squeezing out what he has on defense, though why he won't play our most offensively talented defenseman is still a head scratcher to me!🤣
  15. Cause he knows next game is the one he wants to celebrate..he is already focused on the big game.
  16. Don't forget that rider arm to Collaros as he was walking off the field, blatant and not called.
  17. Yeah you can actually sweep Harris and Streveler outside from time to time and actually leave it in Harris's hands too from time to time.
  18. Yeah Buttons Red alert, nice way to throw a coach under the bus....
  19. Yes FJ proved he is the real deal, you guys have a good Qb there.
  20. Add to that that crazy missed interception into a riders up their asses hands...
  21. F if i see one more run up the gut I am going to puke....almost as bad as that superstore mother ******* shopping commercial!!!
  22. Great defense..our offense was trying to give this game away.. if Lapolice calls this against Hamilton...uggg.
  23. Our conservative play calling just might kill us..again.
  24. Gotta show the control center how to draw a straight line...
  25. Why are we not playing Streveler on obvious running plays??????? How can the control center miss an obvious over the line pass??
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