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Posts posted by BigBlue

  1. What is Marc Trestman to do? He can't stand pat or it will be worse than the last game ...

    Does he study the Wpg- Hanny game film ... come up with his own version of double tight end formations?

    Can he fire up Wilder and make him the primary on 20+ plays? Or does he find a special passing package.

    Can he blitz us to death?

    Does he bring in QB Bethel Thompson if Franklin doesn't get it done in the first quarter?

    It seems on straight smash mouth football we win ... so what is Trestman going to scheme to beat us?

    We are not good   at half-time adjustments so how good are we at between game adjustments?

    There is a reason back to back sweeps are really difficult ... so what should MOS's strategy be for this upcoming Toronto game?

  2. https://www.bluebombers.com/2018/07/20/game-preview-wpg-tor-2/

    Ed Tait:

    It’s an issue of killer instinct, which the Bombers have had in abundance in the past. Consider that last year the team was 10-2 when leading after three quarters and are 17-3 when protecting a lead into the fourth over the past two seasons.

    Make that 19-5 now.


    “If we have a lead at that point then our players have to learn from the previous couple of experiences that didn’t work out the way we expected it to work out,” said Bombers head coach Mike O’Shea. “It’s all part of the process. The one thing I did say (earlier in the week) is that it’s learned more than anything. It’s about making sure they took the analysis of the previous game and apply it to this game in terms of focus at the end of the game, the refusal to be tired and some of the things you can do with your brain more than physically. The other side is making sure you’re still playing physical through the full 60 minutes or however long the game takes.”


    I believe many are too pessimistic about the Bomber's chances Saturday ... we have upgraded significantly from last year in both personnel and wisdom ... we just had a brain fart in the second half last week in terms of closing: FORGET ABOUT IT!

    Yes we have to work on our soft defensive underbelly but we will solve it ... and if necessary our offense can win a shootout

  3. https://www.bluebombers.com/2018/07/17/need-know-july-17/

    Paul LaPolice won’t spend too much time second-guessing his play calls, but he has been re-living the club’s short yardage inadequacies from last Saturday. The Bombers were stuffed on a pair of possessions that cost the club a minimum of six points, likely more.

    “I do kick myself that one of those two calls at the goal line should have given Andrew (Harris) an opportunity,” he said. “I could have done a better job there. And then at the end of the game we went with a wider wedge that we had seen on film that they didn’t handle well once. We had a change up to it… it didn’t work in our favour. We’ve got to get better and I’ll certainly get better at that.

    “I talked to (Harris) yesterday and said, ‘You know what? I can give you one of those two carries, depending on where we are. One of them was at the three-yard line… at the three-yard line I should have gotten you one of those two touches.’

    Asked if he might have been inclined to take the two field goals instead, he added:

    “We had a second and two in the game where we had a play we wanted to do where we took a shot downfield and we hit it for a (long) gain,” said LaPolice. “If you don’t get that, people are saying, ‘Why aren’t you giving Andrew the ball on second and two?’ In hindsight, you can do all those things. That’s what we decided to do and whatever the coach decides we’ll go ahead and do. We’ve got to be better to win the football game. We weren’t good enough offensively to win the football game. We did a lot of good things, but we can’t turn the ball over like we did and make mistakes like we did.”

  4. There is no doubt in my mind, this loss is squarely on Michael O'Shea's shoulders

    Kick a field goal instead of gambling .... then kick another field goal instead of gambling

    Then very late in the game with the ball near centerfield and the game tied: forget to run Andrew Harris on first down

    Horrible game management and don't you dare blame a coordinator .... O Shea has a gambling problem

  5. My observation  is that when teams are in a QB controversy (from poor performance) it takes them a while  to start playing well .... the latest QB change may provide an initial spark but not a sustainable good performance all game ... in this instance Lulay is being rushed in and may not have confidence commensurate with his ability .... a couple of hard hits may make that confidence even worse  ... he may start hurrying his passes unnecessarily

  6. It is notoriously difficult to win both home and away back to back games for a variety of reasons ... and we have two in a row as we play the Argos back to back when we are done with BC.

    The Bombers have momentum and also, perhaps, a chip on their shoulder ... The D wants to vindicate themselves ... Matt Nichols wants to show he is for real ... and its time for Andrew Harris to be named player of the week

    On the other hand Wally Buono must have a couple things up his sleeve .... the coordinators will also be busy scheming to shut down what the Blue did so well last week ... and the players are going to be some kind of extra nasty with something to prove!


  7. Ed Tait:

    The Bomber defence wants to continue with its ball-hawking ways – their four turnovers is tied for second – and then cut back on the yards allowed. Earlier this week we asked Fenner what his crew on defence wanted to establish as their defensive identity.

    “Adapting. We want to focus on having an adaptive gameplan,” he said. “What I mean by that is we need our defence to be a living, breathing thing… a living, breathing organism that moves, that never has a tendency because it is reacting to what it’s seeing.

    “I really started focusing on that after the Hamilton game because their offence was reading us. Watching the TV copy (of the game), you can hear them talking about how they are going to attack us on the next play, what they’re running and what they’re planning on running based on what they see. I’m stealing that. I want that for our defence. I want our defence to have that communication to the point that no matter what we see or no matter what our initial gameplan was, we can adjust it to win. That’s what I want our identity to be, because we’re already physical, we’re already fast, we already have really intelligent guys on the entire defence.

    “There’s always an answer,” added Fenner. “So if something happens to you on a play, it’s a matter of absorbing it and then using it to your advantage. You might get hit with a play, but the defence is so connected and there is so much communication… it’s like hitting water – as soon as you make a dent it’s going to fill back up again.”


    I am betting that outside giving up 2 or 3 long bombs our D will do a reasonable lob of contain against BC

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