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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Don't confuse passion with being a jerk. Two separate things. Want a example of passion? Dave Dickenson. He's passionate about the game, focuses on his team with little focus directed towards apposing team players. It's called being a professional.
  2. Yes I saw it too. Austin will rationalize it in is head as he's a competitor. But if he really was self aware he's realize he's an ass plain and simple.
  3. In reality, it was decided after Brohm's first set of downs last week . . .
  4. I also wanted to add that if you are dumb enough to believe anything that Maude Barlow says then I don't even know how you were able to figure out how to turn on your computer. Putting aside politics for a sec, what value did you demonstrate to Mr. Dee with your above statement to him? Just curious, that's all.
  5. I think you're going about this somewhat backwards. I doubt the BOD gets involved in that way quite yet. MB will be fired at some point, likely in the off season, but I think MOS starts next season as HC. If next year is another disaster, then he will get canned. Walters, I think, will get another HC to hire, but if that doesn't improve things, then Miller will have to fire Walters and hire a new GM. None of that starts will Miller getting fired. Not unless they catch him spending cash on cheeseburgers and foot massagers for his basement. I have that same feeling UNLESS the next 2-3 games how we consistently demonstrate no compete in our game. Then he's gone for sure imo and Hall is promoted to interim.
  6. Knowing how the BOD worked in the past they'll wait until the Earth is scorched before they do anything. Remember Berry, every 6 games there were changes made if things weren't going well, God I miss having a guy around who knew what they were doing. Remember Dinwiddie and Glenn being co-offensive coordinators in 2008 as Berry's buddy sat in the room and on the sidelines while Berry wouldn't fire him? That's what cost Berry his job. Berry had some pretty significant struggles himself. The fact that he's vanished pretty much shows you how he's viewed. If he was a even close to being a good head coach he would have got 2-3 shots at it. Close but no cigar, Berry lost his job even before the season started when Taman and the rest of the penny pinchers wouldn't let him field the team he wanted to, I believe the quote went something like 'some of you are only here because your cheaper'. Berry didn't lift a finger that year and I don't blame him. Let him field the team he wanted to... we had just come off a grey cup run... It was Berry that wrecked that team by trying to make them fit his mould instead of working with the talent he had (sound familiar MB?) - Taman ended up remaking the team for him halfway through the season - Joe Smith/Roberts trade - then once we had blown up the team, Bauer gave up on everyone and blew it up again. Just like Ritchie before, Bauer was just waiting for an excuse to clean house... guy had way too much power. Coaching faux pas 101.
  7. I had this exact thought the other day when some posters were trying to lay it all on Brohm for the offensive issues the past couple of games. Willy finds success in spite of MB's offence, not because of it. Willy is a talented enough QB that he can make things happen until the punishment he takes in this offence overwhelms him like last year and this year. Then you throw in a middling/average/iffy QB like Brohm or Marve and they can't rise above MB's system. So we get what we have now, the worst offence in the CFL and yet another example that MB has worn out his welcome. If MB nearly destroyed Calvillo back in 07 why would we expect Brohm or Marve to flourish. The thought of Willy running a Milanovich or Dickenson offence would be glorious. Yes absolutely, though there are other posters like myself who are laying SOME of it on Brohm. It's been confirmed we lack any sophisticated 'playing to our strengths' offensive playbook (see MB for accountability), but at the end of the day football is football and you need to get the ball to the play makers where they excel. Some of that falls on Brohm when he's played. Without the luxury of game tape, I'm assuming every time Brohm went back to pass, he had at least two/three reads, not all five yard curls. If I'm wrong then MB is even worse than some of his harshest critics believe he is.
  8. Fair enough but he had no other reads? I'm assuming we had a few receivers running routes more than five yards.
  9. I agree, but regardless of it being an ultra conservative game plan with little creativity, I'm sure his reads included Moore, Denmark, Kohert etc. He didn't get them the ball. That's not all on the OL line. He takes part of that accountability.
  10. Yes perspective. Doug Brown's perspective was we were playing an 0 and 9 team who just fired their GM and Coach and were starting their third string QB. Silver lining, with Nichols in next week getting the ball to our playmakers, I think we win. We have players who can make plays, they just need the ball.
  11. Wade Miller was a very mediocre player and he controls the team... YIKES! The quality of how he played football has little to do with his level of business acumen.
  12. There's a guy who loves that the attention is on Brohm. Sure wish we picked up Sean Whyte.
  13. Even with basic predictable plays, Brohm had chances to get the ball to the playmakers. He did not. I don't have the game tape but I'm thinking Sasks HH's Cb's DB's weren't that good. I think though everyone's right. Recipe for disaster is a head coach trying to find his way, an unimaginative OC, a below average OL with a semi-pro QB. Sprinkle in a discipline problem. Yikes. Next week, Nichols gets the ball to our playmakers and we win.
  14. Glen Suitor? Has he coached in any capacity at the pro level since retiring?
  15. In reading a few of his tweets over time, and not just his football/sport 'wisdom', I think you're being way too kind. I think he think's he's being clever, but no, no he's not.
  16. From a coaching standpoint they also have to grade out the OL, Receivers, RB's, Offensive gameplan that can deflect attention (rightly/wrongly) away from the QB's play. Football is an ultimate team sport, no? Maybe this is why Brohm has lasted so long with us but eventually (maybe after this weekend) won't hold enough water and skipper (thanks Tracker) will be shown the door.
  17. I agree but apparently we can't expect the D to play lights out if the offense can't keep them off the field. So let's break that down premised on the belief that none of our losses to date can at all be attributed to our defense. The key then would be to maximize our defenses first quarter two and outs to help offset the high potential of our offense being brutally frustrating. By mid 3rd quarter, if our offense is still it's normal self of two and outs/turnovers, we're doomed. Unless of course our special teams do it for us.
  18. Reading this opened another memory. TSN reported that night on Milt now being the all-time CFL TD king. The commentator then looks to his colleague and asks if her story can match his. She says, with no sarcastic look that I could see, she almost can and tells us the Blue-jays have now won four straight . . .
  19. Sask will throw Messam at us as much as they can, we need to stop it early and hard. Messam is averaging less than 8 carries per game. My guess is because of his conditioning, that's why I said as much as they can. My other guess is that number goes up if they show any success with Messam this weekend. He's only hit 10 carries in 4 games since he joined the Riders, one was the first game in Winnipeg last season. I think the Bombers will be fine against the run. The Riders OL is really banged up too. Appreciate your point about their banged up OL but current stats I checked on the CFL official site might suggest otherwise. We're eighth in defending against the run and Sask is first in offensive run yards per game. (unless I read it wrong which I wouldn't put past me)
  20. Sask will throw Messam at us as much as they can, we need to stop it early and hard. Messam is averaging less than 8 carries per game. My guess is because of his conditioning, that's why I said as much as they can. My other guess is that number goes up if they show any success with Messam this weekend.
  21. Yup. also rumoured that Nichols demanded a trade which usually means okay you're cut, so Edmonton getting something for him is a bonus to some.
  22. Troy Westwood's response about sask fans being banjo playing in-bred folk and then retracting saying some of them probably don't play the banjo. The rest, as we know, is history.
  23. And you seriously believe this? That he is in the dog house due to his oh so brash interview? Lol.. Ok. Ill stick with the fact hes limping and has been reported by management and media as hurt. Anyway, I think brohm has earned his chance to start (one game) to prove he deserves to be here. I also think hes shown all he can otherwise and it really ought to be make or break. Brohm sure will be an anomaly if, after consistently sucking coming in off the bench, we give him the start and he lights it up.
  24. Oooh. My nipples are hard.... Did I miss the Lemon signing? I thought he was, at most, average when he played for us. I haven't been following him at all since he left. I assume he's improved his play to warrant this type of attention?
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