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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Maybe, but didn't save Chamblin and Taman with Durant (and Glenn for a time) going down.
  2. i said the same thing.. Launched himself with his head down, deliberate attempt to spear with helmet.. The fact he launched directly into JFG's helmet is just further intent to injure. That play happens every week in almost every game. DB's using their helmets as weapons trying to intimidate receivers and RB's. The officials rarely call a penalty unless the victim is a QB. Yea, whatever happened to form tackling. And it's not just DB's, it happens at every position. Coaching my 11 year old son and his teammates chest plate tackling with faces/chest up, ready position, buzz the feet, rips and wraps sends mixed messages when he sees what happens at this level as the up and coming CFL fan that he is.
  3. Here I'll help you out. Just for fun from a role playing point of view, what do you think O'Shea would say if he was required to do this but with full disclosure? (i.e., not how it answers the media with sound bytes).
  4. I'm not sure if you understand the term competitive anymore. You own this site so you have the last word on everything. Yep, you're right. I'm wrong. That's the way it is as you're always right anyway. Let's just end this. You win. I'm really starting to wonder, do you talk to your wife, family, friends and colleagues like this? I mean, why can't anyone have a debate with you without getting filled with anger and sarcasm? Are you generally just an angry person? It's okay to be passionate, but it comes across in a very irate and outraged fashion more often than not, and it doesn't make people want to have civil conversations with you. That's a great question for all of us to ask ourselves prior to hitting the post button.
  5. It's interesting you say that as Suitor doesn't seem to be a big fan. He made the point during the Sask game (I believe labor day) to be a premier back you regularly have to make the first guy miss which Suitor believes Marshall isn't doing.
  6. I wonder if someone has warned Matthews what to do after his sixth two and out.
  7. My thought as well. We're in a better position now to suggest it's more of a talent issue.
  8. My educated guess is you're not suggesting you'd quit being a lifetime Blue and Gold supporter, but suggesting you may retract your loyalty to certain decision-makers if certain scenarios present themselves. Two different things.
  9. We're shifting responsibility of scoring to our our defense. Offense is in charge of briefing the ST's.
  10. Hate to say it but it was one of the best entertaining games I've watched all year. Back and forth almost all the way. Burris was a machine with over 400 yards passing.
  11. I would say he will start but if he's not making it happen, Popp will pop in Cato. Cato probably would be starting if he was there. I'm hoping it doesn't matter who they play at QB.
  12. My immediate hope is Boyd pushes Nichols to be better. That would be instant production from Boyd.
  13. Bang on. Utility players like Buff are rare. Very few teams have that luxury. In came in quite handy for us over the past seasons. We give it up, we ain't finding it again any time soon.
  14. Sorry, I don't buy that logic. The NFL has already passed on them the first time and in a lot of cases their sham degree from "Southern Pinestick A&M" is not going to lead to many employment opportunities in the real world that pay as well as a job in the CFL.. I can't stand this bias against athletes. Find one guy on our roster that is from a school you've never heard of. My brother coaches at the University/National level and academic standing (GPA and attendance) is a high priority for his athletes. That is, unacceptable academic standing means no play (no matter who you are) until it's brought up to the standard set by the University regardless of sport (I believe its around 3.00 GPA and 80% attendance rate). So I think the more practical question, for me at least is, where do American Universities sit with this when it comes to football play and academic standing with their student athletes? My educated guess would be it varies from University to University.
  15. Without having any idea what Castillo can do??I'm sure he can kick converts Yep the most important part of the job for sure. Let's see if you're singing a different tune when he is 100% on converts and 60% on field goals??? I'll take that if our red zone percentage is high, i.e., scoring more touchdowns than field goals.
  16. I understand what you're saying and depending on the mood of the day I'm in, might tend to agree with you. However, the other side of the coin is he's just trying to ensure he secures the right situation and compensation package for him and the people close to him.
  17. The Bombers stopped the run game short a bunch of times. Put a team in 2nd and long because you stop the run game and it makes it a lot harder to be productive on offence. Same reason the Bombers get away from the run. When it's being stuffed it's not really that great an idea to just keep trying to pound it. Bombers did to Sask what so many teams have done to the Bombers lately. Stop the run and say "ok your rookie qb has to beat us with his arm" Yes, we sure did & I agree with you 100% but I think the Riders have abandoned the run way too soon all season. They did the same thing in Ottawa a few weeks ago where Messam had just 4 carries the entire game. If I was Jacques Chapdelaine I'd have stuck with the run game. A power back like Messam wears down defenses & the guy absolutely loves the physical contact & the workload. He doesn't have the speed to take it outside but wow is he a powerful runner inside the tackles. Who knows, had he carried the football 20 or 25 times by the second half he might've started breaking some big runs. But hey, the Riders gave up & never tried so too bad, so sad. Doesn't break my heart. Yes I agree he's shown he can. However the games I've watched Messam play is he doesn't seem to have the endurance to do that consistently. He seems to get worn out quite quickly.He tends to tap his helmet a lot to come off.
  18. Apparently it was a big enough deal to get him fined. If you think it's fine for Austin to behave in this fashion, then his players now have free reign to take reactionary penalties to send 'messages'.
  19. Both Sask and the Lions could use Tate, though I don't see Calgary giving up their insurance.
  20. That is not unique. You pretty much described the roster management that every professional sports team goes through, every team has a structure, they aren't making decisions in a vacuum. Different managers place different values on certain positions and factors. Muamba would be comparable to Cornish in terms of Canadians playing traditional import positions, break the bank-ers. There aren't many teams paying running backs as much as Calgary does, basically them and BC. True, but if you use Cornish as a comparison, does Muamba bring the same level of on-field impact that Cornish does knowing their on opposite sides of the ball?
  21. Except if you were in the stands wanting both teams to lose :-)
  22. We need Walby back to balance the homerism. They should have Walby and Suitor do the labor day classic with Cuthbert as the moderator. That would be entertainment.
  23. Is it his intention to play in the CFL longterm? If it is, Walters 'here's our future plan' needs to be better than the other eight teams.
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