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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Yup, the crux of the issue described in seven words.
  2. Obviously I'd like the Jets to make this years playoffs but just feel this team is off and thinking longer-term and not so much what we can do to help us make the playoffs is use any current hot streak (individual and/or team) and strike while the iron is hot, ie trades, E.g. Copp, Stastny, Wheeler Schiefele. I would think this might help us leverage a better trade with teams who want really want to make playoffs this year or want to make some noise in this years playoffs, ie be a contender to win the Stanley Cup.
  3. We are to learn to live with it. Let’s hope the hospitals agree.
  4. Hence suppress the vote strategies are and will be in full force.
  5. 75 million of them willing to part with their money with most making their own personal situation worse to own the libs.
  6. My optimism for sanity will prevail is quickly fading.
  7. My main problem with JT has always been his arrogant elitist contrived caring for global issues wanting the appreciation from other country leaders not fully focussed on his own back yard ie Canada. But what’s going for him at the moment is he’s the best of the current crop among all the political parties.
  8. Knowing I’m missing some complexities, the why lies in the social determinants of health like their genetics, how they’ve been raised, their environmental supports or lack of, coping mechanisms, access to education etc.
  9. Bingo, bango, bongo. Due to this pandemic that has killed scores of human beings and people's livelihoods, I, with many others, have severely overestimated a segment of the world's population's ability to grasp/accept/understand etc etc etc what is involved (which really isn't much in developed countries like Canada) in being a socially responsible citizen under the guidance of well respected infectious disease/health experts while still keeping our individual rights and freedoms intact.
  10. Perfect. To be completely cynical, doing this while money is being stuffed into their back pockets.
  11. ‘You lefties’? That’s nonsense.
  12. Yup the counter to this and other issues that drowns out all other counters cuz it’s loud and obnoxious is usually F Trudeau, muh rights, muh freedom of speech, I’m a patriot.
  13. This is bang on. Only thing missing is the useless democrat donkey not doing what it needs to be doing.
  14. He’s obviously not human. With all that has been going on for the last 24 months it would make complete sense that there is imbecile non earth aliens among us.
  15. And I like how this coked up trust fund imbecile mocks people who think his daddy is an idiot because they've never been in the room with high power influential people and don't know what they're talking about. Unloved, not respected at all junior and his gross siblings only have a seat around the table because of their stupid last name.
  16. US citizens across the country with Ukraine ancestry (and whoever else wants to join) should be mobilizing their efforts to achieve high voter turnout having these and other clips on constant play as a reminder on why you're doing what you're doing.
  17. Yup I’m just talking about the good ones. Just trying to give them some props.
  18. No I wouldn't even give them that because there's lots of Russians who are good decent people who want nothing to do with this invasion and just want live their normal lives with their families. These freedom convoy pricks are simply that, pricks, jerks, self entitled knuckle dragging 'I want freedom from the consequences of my dumb ill-informed, its all about what I want choices'. They're constantly angry with the world about something because they want it to revolve around them and their slimy stupid self entitled individual unrealistic hopes and beliefs and the world doesn't cooperate with them so they've been raised since day 1 and are raising others to continue to hate everything that doesn't look and feel like them. One way to show this drivel is to block traffic, honking their horns really loud and travelling around the country beating their chests like they are doing something important for all of us. 'Look at me with my Canadian flag on a hockey stick, my placards that spew nonsensical drivel'. Enjoy your fame of the support for your stupidity, it's not going to last forever.
  19. This is not a joke. This is true. This is the formula for anyone wanting to grift others.
  20. Capitalism at it’s finest. And I’ve noticed, at least here in Alberta, that Shell outlets are always the first out of the gate to jack up their at the pump prices when barrel prices rise.
  21. Don’t be sellers yet unless it’s an offer that can’t be refused, run the season out, do a thorough end of year review, replace management and coaching staff bringing in fresh perspectives and philosophies, draft according to these new perspectives, trade 26 and 55 getting good market value in return, wave buh bye to deadwood e.g #25, keep rest of core intact, make some significant off season acquisitions to build around this core, roll the dice, move forward.
  22. Just to be not so positive maybe KC our General Manager has overestimated the crew he thinks can do some damage and standing pat maybe isn’t the best strategy.
  23. It’s just a f’ing game to these people, doing sneaky schmarmie greasy things with one another behind the scenes cloaked with bullshit lines about wanting to serve and have really rationalized this bullshit in their heads as what great people they are.
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