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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Yup. There has to be more going on behind the scenes to allow people of his ilk to continually dodge accountability. Maybe in our lifetime we will find out what.
  2. Got her dead to rights but GT walks freely amongst us smirking and laughing away convincing herself and other knuckle draggers that they, not these WOKE radical leftists, sit on high moral ground while her husband sits on the highest court in the land.
  3. Just messy book keeping of declassified material really. News paper clippings stuff like that. Move on. However just to let everyone know this was also planted by the FBI to make this look bad. Any hoo look Hunter Biden's laptop, Hillary Clintons emails, Former Presidents Clinton and Obama's illegal keeping of records, Facebook rigging the 2020 election!!!!!
  4. Here, I’ll help. Review persons of interest video of their encounter with Freeland. Arrest persons of interest and charge as appropriate to the rule of law. With all the complexities involved in this investigation, this should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. The persons of interest did all the work for you.
  5. My theory in taking Trump on as a client. You know full well you're likely not going to get paid in full or at all but you do know listing Trump as a client or a former client will make it easier for you to grift the knuckle draggers with red hats on.
  6. And the politicians condemning this behaviour need also to say this isn’t a case of having differing political platforms. This is wingnut behaviour not associated to any sane political beliefs. They don’t hold political beliefs. They are against everything that doesn’t think, feel and look like them. We’re way past the point in thinking civil discourse with most of these knuckle draggers will broaden their perspectives.
  7. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. Garland has to understand this. If he thinks he needs to delay the indictment because of the midterms he is not accepting this is a completely different game with different rules. Keeping intact his individual legacy by thinking you need to play by normal rules (not influencing an election because of an ongoing investigation) on these wingnuts is not going to end well.
  8. I’m hoping their time is coming to an end soon, back to under the rock where they cometh from.
  9. Yea they got the Joe Mack vibe going right now.
  10. If Garland doesn’t indict him, precedent set, free for all.
  11. Pulverizing? Okay that caught my attention creeping thru the white noise. This man and his enablers need to be disintegrated.
  12. Bill Barr is one of the many perfect examples of how easily it is for certain people to freely lie, cheat, steal, break the law etc etc etc, throw other people under the bus to cover for their own misdeeds, make millions and millions of dollars grifting away, be given many different social platforms to spew their nonsense and let the internet enable their dirty work all while enjoying walking around free as a bird looking happily at their bank account balance.
  13. All coaches complain to the refs. However DD wins hands down straight across the board in how he does it and the ****** intensity of it. Then he wonders why other teams aren't called on certain things. Refs are human Dave and remember how they are treated. When a call is close methinks it aint going your way.
  14. I remember a while back they sat down with Matt about his multiple concussions and how that has impacted him physically and mentally and how that has negatively impacted his relationships with his family/friends. I grew a lot more respect for him after watching that. He was very vulnerable with how it has changed him as a person going from a patient loving man to not being himself at times, more irritable, less patience etc etc. It was a very raw moment that hit home to me, especially having a son in football.
  15. Hope not. Because if it's done purposely then tickets should be half price. We're not there to pay NHL prices to see AHL talent. I know I know there's logic to it, solid arguments in teams tanking to get a solid rebuild, 2 3 years down the road be a contender but if done on purpose values go out the door for me. Unless they inherited someone else's mess coming in and need to retool right away, to me a GM is crappy at their job if they find themselves in this predicament. Yes I'm not a NHL GM and and I don't understand the reality of this business. I guess this is where the business world and the win now entertainment worlds collide.
  16. He sure is perfecting that shovel pass. Imagine him, Walby and Stegall together doing a game preferably against the roughriders and with Suitor there to counter. That would be awesome.
  17. The White House twitter handle is lighting them up. Lol. But it still won’t matter to the poor knuckle dragger who idolizes these imbeciles because he thinks they are good at owning the libs.
  18. Yup but rarely rarely call it unless it’s completely obvious. Advantage Offense.
  19. Dickinson really comes across as a ****. I’m sure the refs just love him.
  20. I saw a tweet a while back that read something like‘ I often feel younger than I am until I start doing something’. lol. Tell that to a liver that cheers for both the Bombers and Jets.
  21. I get it, I think I'm smart enough to know building a case takes intelligence and thoroughness but I'm getting really tired hearing legal people say things like this over and over and over and over again: “He’s methodical. He doesn’t let anything go,” Mazin said. “If you’re going after a monster, you have to get it right—especially when you have a bunch of Trump supporters who’ll come after you.” I think a lot of us know, regardless of your vocation, one wants to get things right the first time but puleease stop with the it's all very complicated and complex you average people wouldn't understand patronizing undertones. FFS I wish I had this out in my line of work before moving a file ahead..
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