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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. the difference is when I say **** like that with my friends they know it's just jokes made in bad taste. When you put it out there for the world to see it no longer falls in that being classless amongst friends and becomes "this is what I actually believe" with as many people as you can reach through twitter it just floors me that people say some of the stupid **** they do. Some of us have been infected in childhood with racism and intolerance. Some of us have such low confidence in ourselves that we need to create a class of people we can pretend are below us.
  2. Kuale is certainly tough and durable, but he was pretty slow to start with and hasn't gotten any faster with time. I sure hope he has some fierce competition in training camp.
  3. Not everything is open to interpretation. Some rights and wrongs are black and white. in 2014, we know people dont choose to be gay. And thats still the basis for a lot of the religious buffonery. A moderator of another forum I argued with about this actually professed his believe that being gay is a choice. I assume thats how he reconciles that being gay is against God but God made people gay...well, in his mind God made everyone straight and the evil gay people choose that orientation. We know thats not the case. So its black and white. There's a fair bit of irony in all this. Fundamentalists typically use the King James Version of the Bible as a reference but King James II who ordered the translation of the Bible from Latin to archaic English was openly homosexual. And that doesn't even mention the several popes, at least two Canadian PMs and USA presidents as well as J.Edgar Hoover.
  4. We are likely to not have the horses to play firewagon football and with all of the coaching changes, we are probably going to have to go with a pretty simplified playbook until the team gels, so get ready for some boring football.
  5. There are almost always surprises on draft days- trades, swaps of draft positions and dark horses emerging. This year promises to be one of those times.
  6. Personally, I think we ought to have a trial before the hanging. Good form and all that.
  7. So, where you draw the line? What if I decided that left-handed people were evil? At one time they were considered so- "sinister" means left-handed. Or if I thought that Lithuanians were sub-human?
  8. We don't have enough idiots in the city as yet?
  9. One last point from me: I had my questions about the Bible being the literal word of God, but years ago, I happened to become friends with a pastor from the Mennonite faith (fundamentalist Baptist, really) and eventually we got onto the subject of religion and dogma. He told me that in theological college, the student pastors were told that they ought not to take the Bible as inerrant and they even spent time studying how it had been edited and re-edited, where it contradicted itself in places and where in the old and new testaments it orders and/or justifies incest, adultery, bigamy, murder, genocide and killing of infidels. The students were told to be prepared for questions of this sort but to dismiss them as the unfathomable word of God. You may want to look up what Jesus was supposed to have said in Luke 19:27. The Bible has been altered to justify the views and actions of whomever was in power in the early Christian church, and many of the heads of that church were often weak, corrupt and under the influence of local rulers.
  10. Yup. Sportsnet and Madani have learned that the players are threatening to strike.
  11. Can't wait to hear what this is. Anyone care to speculate? Because Sportsnet is given to hyperbole, I wouldn't be surprised if they just learned that the players are threatening to strike.
  12. Perhaps this ought to be moved to the thread in the CFL discussion forum.
  13. 12:00 noon local time- Sportsnet is reporting that they will shortly announce some big CFL news. Hmmmm....
  14. Interesting reactions around the Rider and Stampeder fan forums. The Rider fans in large numbers pretty much universally called Price a narrow-minded idiot and the Stamp fans appear to not care enough to comment, although two or three were morally outraged enough to threaten to stop supporting the team. Like it or not, Alberta, and southern Alberta in particular, is quite different from the rest of the country, and more American than not, so the Stamp fan reactions (or lack thereof) is pretty typical. If the folks who take their "Christianity" so serious as to think they ought to follow its dictates word for word, they ought to spend some time actually reading the Bible, and the old testament in particular. As an example, in Leviticus, the faithful are ordered to kill those who plant two different crops in the same field, and it gets worse from there. Jesus condemned no one, but the fundamentalist churches are riddled with pastors who preach one thing but live quite another way.
  15. Fixed it for ya ... Good point. All we can do at this point is hope that Etcheverry has learnt from his history and will be smart enough to adapt his game plans on the fly during games. That was a hallmark of the team in recent years, both offensively and defensively- the other teams seemed to be able to adapt to whatever we were having success with and we couldn't return the favour.
  16. Lawrence would be a great fit, but there is still a growing list of concerns about Etcheverry.
  17. I endorse Evan Pszczonak in tomorrow's draft. Only because you want to hear Rod Black try to pronounce his name. Pizz-on-ack - fairly simple, but yes, Rod would be something like "Pet-ree-zz-owl-ee" Followed immediately by Black being taken to hospital for a tongue splint.
  18. I endorse Evan Pszczonak in tomorrow's draft. Only because you want to hear Rod Black try to pronounce his name.
  19. Well we hope we do. What harm is there in determining that after training camp? This team is not so stacked in NIs with experience to just cut guys willy nilly. Don't use the words "willy" and "cut" in the same sentence so early in the season- you'll start all kinds of panic.
  20. Hmmmm. it sounds like there's going to be more drama around this draft for the WBB than it has for years.
  21. And they're OK. They sleep all night and work all day.....
  22. Yes, Wild is very good, but trying to assess last year`s performance of the defensive unit is like trying to judge a track meet during an earthquake. It was such a mess on so many levels that the best thing to do is try to forget it and start with a fresh mindset.
  23. It doesn`t look like there`s a lot of confidence in Etcheverry here, but it all comes down to two things: we`re saddled with him, like it or not, and O`Shea ought to be able to figure out whether his new DC is competent or not. We ought to know within the first month or so if we`re in for another long season.
  24. The article seems to be really promoting Dylan Ainsworth as someone who has the potential to be a sleeper with the comparison to Blugh.
  25. Life is just fulla surprises.
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