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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. We've seen this movie before- Bombers march down and score a TD on their opening possession and then........
  2. Bighill not the factor this year compared to last. Against the Riders last game, he had zero tackles. Not good.
  3. One more screwup like that and the Bomber confidence will drop like a stone in a well.
  4. I was really, really hoping that Rod Black got lost in the snow storm.
  5. Now to see if the defence can do their part.
  6. A good workmanlike drive ending in a TD. A good start.
  7. The Montreal Alouettes might finally have a deal in place for new owners. Montreal Gazette reporter Herb Zurkowsky has been tied into the
  8. We need to keep our expectations for Collaros low. He is probably brittle, unfamiliar with the Bombers game plan (if there is such) and is likely rusty as all heck. If he does take the field, it will probably be in dire circumstances. Bombers essentially bought a pig in a poke.
  9. If all the Bombers have is a run game with little threat of passes, they are doomed. The past few games have shown conclusively that a one-trick offence can be effectively stopped. Variety is not only the spice of life, it is also the key to winning games.
  10. Ottawa Arndt expecting too much from their quarterback tonight.
  11. With Collaros in sick bay so much during that period, how could you tell?
  12. The Riders are not a good team, but their record is better than almost everyone expected, and yes, it is due to their coaching. Whoda thunk? Similarly, it was unanimously believed here that the Bombers would be the best team in the league, let alone the west. Pride goeth before a fall.
  13. Riders had few options once Collaros went down. I think what happened was that the Rider coaching staff was smart enough to take best advantage of Fajardo's limited skillset in their game planning. It also didn't hurt them that just about every other team in the CFL (with possible exception of the TiCats) ran into all kinds of problems.
  14. Aaaand... we got one. Damned few options, though.
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