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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Come, come. Canadians have a long and proud history of welcoming refugees who have nowhere else to go.
  2. Can you imagine the fan reactions if the Bombers had won a couple more games and had hosted that game?
  3. Bombers may have caught the Stamps on an off day and they were certainly without a couple of key players but I hope they do not think they can walk all over the Riders without working for it. We've seen what happens when they take their feet off the gas.
  4. One robin does not mean spring is here. Lapolice has made a lot of gaffes during his time here.
  5. The Bombers as a team deserve full credit for the last half of the game and the win. It was great to see us come back after a shaky first half and take it to the Stamps, but we are only a third of the way to the Cup. The Riders ought to be road kill if Fajardo does not play and a bit more of a challenge even if he does, but quite beatable in either scenario. The TiCats will be much more of a challenge, but that is another day. A convincing win over the Greenies will do a lot for team confidence.
  6. This is Saskatchewan, so what you smell is not doubt. Outdoor plumbing (when Saskatchewanites actually use it) is more likely the source.
  7. Bombers were very, very fortunate that those bad snaps did not cost them bigly.
  8. Stamps back on their heels now. Gotta keep the pressure up.
  9. You ought to be used to that play by now. And the Bombers take a dumb penalty that could come back to bite them.
  10. Pressure is now squarely on both Mitchell and also on the Bomber defence. Next series will be critical.
  11. Mitchell looked mortal on that series.
  12. Prediction: next team to score a TD will win.
  13. You cannot ignore the coach he reports to and is supervised by.
  14. Little to cheer about for the Bombers this half.
  15. Lordy, I am so sick of seeing this anemic offence year after year.
  16. It appears we still do not have a MLB.
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