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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. One more TD for the Bombers now and we will be really rolling.
  2. Stoppping Riders deep would be great right after the Bombers ate their lunches all the way down the field.
  3. Rider O-line wasn't great to begin with and should be vulnerable.
  4. Yup- if we cut him there would be 5-6 other teams with wheelbarrows of money ready to sign him.
  5. Their O-line is average and their defensive backfield is suspect Aaaand...there's the game.
  6. This is the closest you can get to a non-playoff game being a playoff game. Bomber need to win and win convincingly to snuff any htoughts the Riders have of being a playoff contender or in the same level as the Bombers.
  7. You cannot use "gentlemen's agreement" ang Chris Jones in the same post or thread or forum. Just so you know.
  8. He missed an opportunity to throw himself down onto the floor, kick his feet and hold his breath until he turned blue. Trump would and will.
  9. Apparently he does not watch Fox TV.
  10. Those who worship Trump habour a desire to do as they want to, free of all restraint and consequence. It is a fantasy but fantasies can be powerful motivators. Someonce said thet he was in favour of living in a dictatorship, so long as he was the dictator. There have always been those among us who feel failures in their lives and need to believe and be reminded that it has to be someone else's fault.
  11. Passing Portage La Prairie This Morning:
  12. Bell is described as very much a project but does not seem to have a good feel for the game despite athleticism. Deng sounds good enough to stay in the NFL for a while yet.
  13. Hmmmm...I was a bit disappointed to see Pigrome cut by the Bombers without a real audition, but he has how many TDs now....three?
  14. Agreed, but deals van be made between federal and state governments where the state government is esstially bribed.
  15. The defendants in the Goergia vote scandal are likely aware that they have no real defence. Their strategy, like Trump, is to delay, delay, delay until after the next US election in the hope that Trump or another GOP president will overturn or commute their convictions before they do a lot of time.
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