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Westy Sucks

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Posts posted by Westy Sucks

  1. Thought zach looked good today actually. He was generating lots of pressure. Thomas in for Zach would be awful. Makes us worse

    I wouldn't even say that anyone on our dline played well.  Lot's of giant holes given up.  wasn't overly impressed with Hurl either.  I was hoping for a little more noise from him.

    Drew and the O on the other hand, were very stong



    gbill asked Drew Edwards about his streaming comment and Edwards said "Stadium in transition from women's world cup to cfl mode. lots of technical challenges to make it work."

    Glad to hear it's a WWC-related thing and not something to do with IGF, in general...


    another reason to strongly dislike soccer.


    or just watch 1 game. 

  3. I'm sure he's injured.  One day morphed into a day or two, morphed into a few days, morphed into reporters not asking the question anymore.  We'll see him when we see him.  Who knows when that will be.

    The reporters do in fact ask about Richards. They did it last night in O'Shea's postgame interview (4:25)... but you won't like his answer



    I think the reporter actually asked about Richardson. If it's the question right at the end then it sounded like Richardson, but could be wrong

  4. Richards is 21. That's what's up. If he didn't wanna be here he wouldn't have 1. Been drafted by us and 2. Signed the contract. I mean really. This crapping on the young guys some ppl do is insane. he's 21. What were you doing at 21?

    Where am I crapping on him exactly? Do I say ANYWHERE that the guy is a crappy football player or trash him in any way? No I didn't.

    Just giving an opinion and asking a question. Maybe someone in "the know" knows the answer.

  5. Is Richards ever going to even practise? Still no word on what is wrong with him. 2-3 days is now what 2 weeks?

    Wouldn't be surprised if we are working on a trade. Richards probably doesn't even want to play for WPG. With him being a lifelong Rider lover and all.



    ....or maybe he is just injured more than the Bomber care to let on right now. Which seems more likely to you? Him being injured or him signing a contract then immediately changing his mind and requesting a trade.

    He's got a history of concussions so they have to be very careful with him. It seems whenever a team is vague about giving details of an injury, you can bet it has to do with concussion symptoms if it's been a problem for that player in the past.

    If he's had concussion problems before than it was a very risky/bad pick

  6. Is Richards ever going to even practise? Still no word on what is wrong with him. 2-3 days is now what 2 weeks?Wouldn't be surprised if we are working on a trade. Richards probably doesn't even want to play for WPG. With him being a lifelong Rider lover and all.

    Is this sarcasm?

    Just assume or guess like everyone else

  7. Never going to Regina for a game again! Something stupid always happens...those cow lovers suck! Always fun but not worth it anymore.

    I shouldn't say never I guess as I do plan to attend a LDC once their new stadium is built.

    Hahaha. What, tired of the action?

    ..........me too.

    remember when I almost lost an eye?

    haha...you mean when you burned yourself with the flaming towel...??? lmao...pure genuis




    2 year, 250k contract

    hahaha wow

    That contract seems out of line for an unproven import. It looks like the Als are playing the publicity card for all it's worth.

    That's what I thought.

    I wonder if his teammates will harbour resentment that they're having to work towards that size of a contract and he gets it without proving anything.

    Lots of Americans enter the league with big contracts, we just don't hear about it. Somewhere along the line, some fans decided all Americans enter the CFL on minimum contracts but it's just not true. Sam's contract is pretty similar to the one we gave Chad Simpson a few years ago. If a team really likes an American and he doesn't want to come north, what do you think happens? The offer goes up. That's what happened here. Don't worry, he didn't get a big bonus for being gay, you can relax.



    Yeah sure, but the BIG difference is that Chad Simpson actually played in the NFL while Sam couldn't even stick around on a practice roster.  Not even for 1 year.  I'm very glad that it wasn't the Bombers that signed him.  We need wins, not a media circus.

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