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Everything posted by BomberfanMKS

  1. To be fair - 2011 Grey Cup could have easily gone our way if Willis doesn't drop the pick 6. Down 24-9 (eventually 31-9 after THAT drive) instead of only 24-16...
  2. Wait... are you saying Kyle drafted with the intent of replacing an existing player on the team who was approaching retirement approximately a year in advance so that the player would be ready to replace the retiring player and the team could move on from that retirement smoothly.... wow sounds like a GM with a plan
  3. If Tebow didn't have the hype he had that ended with him being a high pick and getting started early in his career there is a real chance he would still be in the league.
  4. Yeh teacher jobs in MB and ONT are HARD to come by in the cities. Ontario it's a pain to even get on the substitutes list, nevermind actually getting term contracts or a permanent contract. The other issue is that, at least in Manitoba, the school divisions can be a little vindictive about teachers who leave the division once they have their permanents... basically once you've left your chance of getting hired as a permanent again is practically zero... don't know if that also the case in Ontario.
  5. Costanza as receivers might be a challenge if he's looking for a promotion.
  6. To be fair I really don't think he was actively trying to hurt Glenn on the play... just making a football play going for a loose ball
  7. I think Walters wants to continue to be viewed as a guy you can do deals with in the league. Part of what brought Collaros here was Pinball thinking that Walters wasn't going to try and screw him over with shenanigans. If the 1st round pick isn't tied to signing in free agency as well I think as long as Collaros is taking offers/negotiating with teams and then just decides to come back to Winnipeg it'd be fine... a day after he goes into free agency he signs a pre-written contract without taking offers from anyone else.... that would stink and would actively hurt Walters ability to negotiate with other GM's. Short vs. Long term thinking essentially - ******* over Pinball might be a great way to get Collaros... but over the course of a couple years might make the team significantly worse than it would otherwise be. Part of what brought Collaros here for us to get the cup was the reputation Walters has built as a GM to be trusted.
  8. Gadget plays have definitely been in his playbook all year - The Janarion sweep, Adams pass to Strev, Demski direct snap... almost every game he has at least a couple of those "gadgety" plays. He doesn't tend to do the same play that many times so we see some wacky plays that just don't work
  9. Definitely pretty upsetting to have an injury that knocks you out of the biggest game of the year. Banks was showing up for the game to that point (72 yards getting knocked out early in the third), and probably felt like he could have helped turn the game around.
  10. Part of why we put up 33 points was the 7 turnovers, to be fair.
  11. If we had ended up behind instead of ahead I don't think the play calling would have changed much (except maybe the 4th quarter where we went run time off the clock mode). THIS is where most of our criticisms of Lapo reside... he has a game plan and if it works, great, if it doesn't.... stick to the game plan. His game plan worked and our defense played well enough that we didn't need anymore out of the offense than what we got. The people who want Lapo gone, want him gone because they feel like if our defense hadn't been so stout, our offense wouldn't have stepped up to fill the gap. IMO - If this had been a close game with the Bombers barely ahead I fully believe we would have seen conservative/predictable, run time off the clock, play calling by Lapo... the kind of play calling that lost us games in the past. Luckily we didn't need to worry about that because our defense just smashed the Ti-cats.
  12. Either that or retiring to become a D-Line coach with them.
  13. That really was a gorgeous throw by Strev to Harris 98% perfect accuracy... biggest hit on Strev when he was starter IMO was his accuracy on the long balls.
  14. 134 yrds rushing for Harris... Collaros not even 200 yards passing... lol
  15. We got what we needed out of that drive... three score game and a ton of time off the clock
  16. hmm... thought that woukd be a whatever call made on the field stands review...
  17. man.... strev looks so gimped when he is in the huddle or on the sidelines
  18. that was damn close to a catch and fumble... very nice play to knock it out
  19. Strev is playing well but man does he look like he's in some pain
  20. yeh I could see that being the case based on hearing him on CJOB broadcasts...I personally prefer when Ed Tait is Bob's colour guy.
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