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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Smoking a tenderloin...couple flat breads....some tasty buds.....and tho rarely drink anymore will wash er down with good ol rum and coke
  2. Well....we did dress McRae last game for no particular reason...didn't take his parka off all game
  3. And if that happens....do people still say he makes the correct decisions re roster?? Sure...u do a guy a solid to get his name inscribed...but u also bone 44 other guys from possibly getting their name on a cup if that majorly blows up in your face ..that would be the stupidest of stupid moves he's made...and should be grated over the coals in media fiercely for it...hope it doesn't happen
  4. Schoen always looks a bit odd walking....even jogging at times too And if they can't perform...would trump the other questionable and almost dumb roster moves he's made...and that scenario actually is troubling me truth be told
  5. Catching some of the pre game preamble....why do they keep focusing on this apparently great Als defence who have strung some good games together at back half of season....yet nary a word on leagues best defence... statistically...points allowed wise ..and have done it all yr? They really have fell in love with that last game and think the Als are some defensive juggernaut....and the 7 game win streak...2 teams are in win streaks last I checked Both walked in just fine off the bus to the dressing room....guess we shall see eh? 😁
  6. Yup we can go 3 ol..BO...Demski...Woli and Kramdi on defence...thats our 7...and can do whatever we want on defence substitution wise
  7. throw some iron around...thats what I do to mellow out...work the steel out with the devil so to speak
  8. yup....it's moreso for saving space on it....but thats the way she goes.....so my one concern was Osh rostering a guy if they wouldn't be actually game ready, and then do what McRae did all last game...stand there with the parka on and be useless....we already waste a DA spot...no need to waste 2 more import positions
  9. Yeah that would be an awful thing eh?...He's just not a winner...or leader, and to be quite frank....somewhat of a real ****** nozzle....he just a woah is me whiner....the doubters...the haters....the injury issue...shut up already and be a pro Also Maas winning would irk me...He's not a good coach in my opinion....and I see where the Faj gets some of his stupidity from
  10. I was gonna mention I hope that didnt sway Osh roster decisions...and yes that's accurate
  11. Give up no defensive touchdowns....we win handily....even if we give up 1 I see us winning as I can't see the Als offence putting up 2 TDS of their own.... And still sense a Grant return TD today to help us along Few times a week lol....sported some Bomber gear tho for good vibes ..lotsa go bombers talk...we got this
  12. Schoen is gonna play today...and we gonna confuse the Als defence with our scheme
  13. Not to jinx things...but I feel the same...a true statement game
  14. Feeling good....early morning gym session right now...back day....whenever it's back day...it's a good day...37-11 today..
  15. Hill was great too....Stick tho just brought everything....those 2...Roy Bennet and James Jefferson...4 the best ever to suit em up in my time.....Randle would be right there with them
  16. No...u mock...roll eyes and dispute everything I say...u saw I said I would be in winnipeg for cup...so we're trying to again...question my validity...I know yer game and it humours me...on another note watch that clip on Bailey as well...right at end Schoen is tossing a football to himself as he walks past Sheed...he has been moving fine tho for well over a week...doesnt really need to practice but like I mentioned in another post we as fans don't see the work behind the scenes and outside of practice media is allowed to view
  17. 2018..2017..2016..2015...2011...2010..2006...1991
  18. The day they left....the day before...and on Friday as I was in T.O for business until today...why u ask numbnuts?
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