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Everything posted by Booch

  1. No couldnt go this yr....In the peg for this one
  2. Yeah.....That won't be an issue...not for a 2nd yr guy...with all same parts around him and ZC running the show Like @SpeedFlex27 said, ZC will know exactly where he will be, or supposed to be and will throw even if he cant even see him there...they have that connection now. If he was a raw rookie, or a late season pick up I'd be concerned but he's not. Also way more goes on behind the scenes you won't see where he is working, and also involved in the daily routines like he would be if playing....from experience the only real thing to get re-conditioned to, is being popped and banging around....but a big game...adrenaline etc....he wont notice that till monday.....even your wind....after a few series you would be surprised how fast that short term aerobic capacity comes back.... and even then just slam down a few sudafeds before...and during the game n you be just fine lol
  3. Hook us up! We will ask the real questions with no wiggle room
  4. I have seen Schoen moving about quite well this week too...so ....
  5. They all scared too...they know as well as anyone with half a brain it's a dumb roster use Again...anyone with a football skillet and acumyn can do that role ..why u think Jackson is something special is beyond me...it's an issue Osh fell in love with his back story...nothing more I can name 46 guys who work hard...do as ask...and have wayyyyyyyyyyy more experience in football Was even more effective last yr...sans Jackson
  6. And any player will talk glowingly too...so no validation lol Like what WJ said about Faj...he's same as 2019...running around...going backwards..tripping over his own feet....hahahah
  7. Hopefully we don't do the dumb thing and dress them if they can't be an effective player all game....if they dress and are limited and or get rehurt...then we effectively just cut our roster depth even further...and will be a.major coaching blunder. If they not 90 percent or better I wanna see Ambles and Fox...and ideally Rose for the soldier...that be a damn solid 46
  8. I can see that too...as can he...his life...family..business ventures are all solidly here...he has no reason to leave
  9. I'm not...and still annoyed by it...what a waste for biggest game of yr...he offers diddly
  10. Buck aint going nowhere...and will likely decline any team reaching out
  11. yup...confirmed lack of accountability and leadership right there...doofus
  12. Cause Couture didnt have Bryant and Hardrick bookending Gray and Neuf beside him....with heavy doses of Dobson and Eli smacking guys in the yap...our oline is truly insane
  13. Yup...keep talking....notice we have never talked or boasted??...hmmmm
  14. Yeah....a dline guy would be more ideal...love Rose and actually would have him before Houston....but another beast on line to help free up the Jeff's would be ideal My guess is that Osh is giving the loyalty/tenure start to Rose more than amything Or maybe he throwing a curve and is gonna finally park soldier boy for a useful DA...lol But sadly that won't happen
  15. I would think he would look at and need the perfect situation to challenge as a rostered situational back, as well as upfront guaranteed "significant" money or he says no....and I don't see either happening, and not too worried....If he takes a feeler and misses the first half the season he will be nice and fresh to run through people on way to cup appearance 5 in a row
  16. If he goes to chase his dream next yr and I find that a stretch...I would sign CGY pending FA Logan...behind our line and with the receiver blocking dude would rip it up...I'd like to see us sign him anyway in place of Mcrae....as he could be the instant return guy if Grant went down
  17. crazy how many guys are still here when watching it
  18. when we win Sunday....They will have to....and that will prob sting
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